We can work on Part I: Visual Representation

Part I: Visual Representation

Locate the most recent crime statistics for your home town or a nearby area.
Create a chart or graph to help you present the crime data.
Note the distribution of crimes based on the statistics you found.
Be sure to properly cite the data source.

Part II: Narrative Analysis

Locate a police department within your state or a neighboring state that utilizes crime mapping technology.
Explain how this technology is either being used or could be used to address the crimes you highlighted in your graph or chart.
Explain how crime mapping could be utilized as a tool for law enforcement and other criminal justice professionals to help reduce and prevent crime.
Explain how another technology could help in researching or preventing crime in tandem with or in addition to crime mapping, explain how.
Explain how the presentation of crime mapping data and one’s understanding of that data affect a police officer’s daily experience on the job.
Explain how the presentation of crime mapping data and one’s understanding of that data affect citizens’ understanding of their communitie

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