We can work on Park Poverty Drugs and Alcohol and Neglect Make People to Commit Crimes Response – Assignment Help

I need an explanation for this Social Science question to help me study.

Edsicie Coaxum

  1. Based on Chapters 5 and 10, explain the main factors that lead to crime and crime rates in different societies (for example, the United States and China).

The main factors are poverty, neglect, education, drugs/alcohol. Those are just some of the main factors. These things may make it seem feasible to commit crimes. Just think about it you grow up in poverty with no one to turn to because your parents are addicts. The only way you can seem to get what you want is by stealing. And after awhile that is all you can do because it is what you trained yourself to do.

  1. Determine and discuss 1 strength and 1 weakness of Quinney’s social reality theory OR Chesney-Lind’s feminist perspective on deviance.

A strength is that you would be fighting for something that you believe in. Well not fighting but it would be an act standing up for what you believe. A weakness is that it is not really a thought out plan so you would end up taking the fall.


Discuss how Quinney’s social reality theory (Chapter 5) applies to the prosecution and defense of accused criminals in American society.
A. Quinney’s social theory applies to the prosecution and defense of accused criminal in the fact that the system does not do any better to help these individuals process be any faster. Defendants spent their time waiting in line to be seen by their public defender when they have the time to get to their case, which could take months, but not always giving them a priority or the best defense they could give. Since society will be in favor of those in a powerful state compared with those that are in a poor state.” Through class struggles and class and class conflict, crime is constructed, formulated and applied so that the less powerful groups are subdued and more powerful groups are strengthened ( pg. 65, Adler & Adler).”
2. Based on Chapters 5 and 10, explain the main factors that lead to crime and crime rates in different societies (for example, the United States and China).
A. The fact that crime is not evaluated the same and are compared depending in the social statues of the person committing it, it is what leads to crime and crime rates to differentiate society. ” Crime is seen as a result of the class dynamic process that culminates in defining persons and behavior as criminal ( pg. 52, Adler & Adler).”
Adler, P., & Adler, P. (2016). Constructions of Deviance (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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