We can work on Paragraph 4

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order. The most interesting aspect to me was the article, The Role of
Spirituality in Health Care. I agree with the statement that over the years the
“technological advances of the past century tended to change the focus of
medicine from a caring service-oriented model to a technological, cure-oriented
model” (Puchalski, 2001, pp. 352). I think that the spiritual side of
healthcare has been forgotten or overlooked for many years and I am glad to see
that it is coming back into practice. I found it interesting that when
performing several observational studies, it was shown that there might be a
connection between people living longer who have regular spiritual
practices. A cited example, patients with advanced cancer who found
comfort from their religious and spiritual beliefs were more satisfied with
their lives, were happier, and had less pain. Spirituality is an essential part
of the “existential domain” measured in quality-of-life scores. Positive
reports on those measure a meaningful personal existence, fulfillment of life
goals, and a feeling that life to that point had been worthwhile correlated
with a good quality of life for patients with advanced disease (Puchalski,

I personally think spirituality is an individual thing, yet in nursing as a
nurse, one ought to accept all spirituality belief from every patient cared
for. I am religiously spiritual, if I can put it that way. I believe in
miracles, as well as believe that healing comes from God. So, with this, with
my initiation of care I always start with a prayer in my mind regardless the
patient spirituality. If I am lucky to have the same belief with the patient,
then we pray together. Although some people turn to be more spiritual after an
advanced illness, some spirituality are religiously rooted.

Perspectives on healing come from health-care practitioners, patients, priests,
rabbis, energy practitioners, spiritual healers, people close to death, people
living with pain and other chronic illnesses, people who have suffered abuse
and neglect, and those who have suffered hardship such as divorce, miscarriage,
or death of a child. Healing results in positive change, finding meaning,
and the realization of wholeness. These consequences differentiate healing from
cure in that cure may occur without the patient finding meaning or realizing
wholeness of mind-body-spirit. Healing results in positive changes at many
levels, including but not limited to physical health. Improvements in mental,
emotional, social, or spiritual harmony are examples of healing outcomes. The
positive change that occurs in healing is not limited to the event at hand but
continues as the person progresses through life. A common outcome of
healing is a reinterpretation of the event or situation that provides meaning
and transcends the situation. It may include understanding and reinterpreting
one’s condition such that a new sense of purpose is found. For some, meaning is
found in their actual illness. Others find it through helping others (Firth, et
al., 2015).Reference:

Firth, K., Smith, K., Sakallaris, B. R., Bellanti, D. M., Crawford, C., &
Avant, K. C. (2015). Healing, a Concept Analysis. Global advances in
health and medicine, 4(6), 44-50. doi: 10.7453/gahmj.2015.056

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