We can work on Organizational and community factors

What do you think are some of the organizational and community factors (e.g. policies, practices, social environments) that are involved in this health behavior for you? Be certain to not only think about aspects of your community, but also consider the effects of institutions to which you belong. What changes can you envision at these levels that would affect your health behavior in a desired way? In an undesired way? Be specific.

Sample Solution

were expected to take place in near future ‘for achieving some positive results’ in this respect. At that time the Pakistan commerce Minister noted with regret at a press conference in Istanbul on 15 October 1959, trade between two countries was negligible with a balance of about two million rupees in favor of Pakistan (Ali, 2001). Facts behind Formation of RCD The three countries Iran, Pakistan and Turkey may be regarded as belonging to distant cultural area. They are non Arab and the Turko-Persian culture dominates the lives of the people. Thus besides Islam they have many common bond between them. They have been united under the Ottoman Empire and had common political thinkers, historians, writers and poets. All the three states were the members of CENTO and their policies were pro-west. If we analyze their economic needs in the early sixties, all three were moving towards industrialization and modernization. Their economic needs and goals were similar in the beginning of sixties. They disenchanted with the west and began to looking for new avenues. Turkey was not happy over the issue of Turkish Cypriots. In Iran there was in evidence a trend towards national assertion, and country had sought to lessen its embroilment in the Russo-American conflict. Iran on account of cut in economic assistance too, and Pakistan was disenchanted because of flow of US arms to India after Sino-India border conflict (Hasan, 1964). Creation of RCD The idea about the formation of RCD between three Muslim members of CENTO (Pakistan, Iran and Turkey) was first discussed in April 1964 in Washington. They decided to forge a new partnership without CENTO when they three countries were gone to attend the CENTO Council meeting. A joint statement by the three heads of States issued on 22 July 1964 in Ankara, named the new organization ‘Regional Co-Operation for Development’ and resolved that appropriate means should be adopted to set up co-operation ‘in all fields ‘in a spirit of ‘regional co-operation.’ It was decided to create three Ministerial Councils composed of Foreign Ministers and a Regional Planning Committee which will be consisted of the heads of these tri-national planning organizations a permanent Secretariat was later established at Tehran. A few months late>

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