We can work on Online Footprint Analysis

Online Footprint Analysis

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

What kinds of information turns up?
What images appear?
How recent or old is this information?
Is this content you developed or is posted by someone else?
Is the information about you actually you, or others with your same name?
What kind of footprints about you are online?
What is your brand, based on what you see?
Are the images or details positive or negative?
What kinds of impressions could someone, like an employer, have about you, based on this information?
What kinds of red flags are there, or what kinds of concerns would you have about hiring someone with that kind of information online?
Next Steps
What steps can you take to change your online “brand?”
Is there information you want removed? Is there positive information you want to add or build?
Concluding Thoughts:
What do you think of the information and how is it helpful?

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

What kinds of information turns up?
What images appear?
How recent or old is this information?
Is this content you developed or is posted by someone else?
Is the information about you actually you, or others with your same name?
What kind of footprints about you are online?
What is your brand, based on what you see?
Are the images or details positive or negative?
What kinds of impressions could someone, like an employer, have about you, based on this information?
What kinds of red flags are there, or what kinds of concerns would you have about hiring someone with that kind of information online?
Next Steps
What steps can you take to change your online “brand?”
Is there information you want removed? Is there positive information you want to add or build?
Concluding Thoughts:
What do you think of the information and how is it helpful?

Is this question part of your assignment?

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