We can work on Nursing: Today and Beyond

Write a 1500-2000 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be three main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least five (5) sources using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the Signature Assignment rubric criteria for this assignment.
Describe at least three challenges nurses face today in care delivery. These can be ethical, legal, financial, or social. Provide at least one way to successfully overcome each challenge.
In the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 Future of Nursing report, the committee developed four key messages. Choose one message, explain the message in detail, and why it is important to the nursing profession.
Explain each of the Institute of Medicine’s five core competencies and describe ways in which nursing practice can meet each of these. Identify at least one obstacle for each and explain in detail how it can be overcome.

Sample Solution

Presentation: Prostate disease is the most widely recognized malignant growth of men and the third most normal reason for death from malignancy. Prostate malignant growth typically happens in men over the age of 50. Numerous men who have prostate malignancy, don’t demonstrate any indications. Screening for this malignant growth is normally done by a Digital rectum test (DRE) and additionally Prostate explicit antigen test (PSA). Computerized rectum test is the palpation of the prostate through the butt to check the size of the prostate. Prostate explicit antigen test is a blood test to check if the prostate is discharging this particular antigen in the circulatory system which can be a solid sign of prostate malignancy. Research has been done on counteracting and lessening the danger of acquiring this malignant growth. In these examinations, sustenance can assume a fundamental job in decreasing the odds of getting this malignant growth. Diets that high in products of the soil, low in fat particularly fat from meats are appeared to diminish the hazard and improvement of prostate malignant growth. Plant Based Diets: Explicit nutritional categories have appeared in a few investigations to be an essential apparatus in forestalling and easing back the movement of this illness. One gathering of sustenances that have demonstrated a huge decrease in maintaining a strategic distance from prostate malignancy is plant based nourishments. Plant-based nourishments are appeared to contain high measures of nutrients and components known to diminish malignant growth cell. For instance, plant-based nourishment contains nutrients and phytochemicals, for example, carotenoids, flavonoids, phytoestrogens and isothiocyanates (Ma and Chapman, 2009). These phytochemicals have appeared to relapse malignant growth cell advancement and stop tumor advancement. Besides plant based weight control plans are high in cancer prevention agent. Cell reinforcements are atoms that forestall the oxidation of different particles. Oxidation is the explanation for the generation of free radicals. Moreover, cell reinforcements lessen the harm to DNA by authoritative to these free radicals and dispensing with them from the body. Free radicals harm the structure of DNA which can prompt tumor development. A significant carotenoid and phytochemical is lycopene. Lycopene is found in natural products, for example, tomatoes. Lycopene is known to lessen insulin-like development factor 1 (IGF-1) marking. IGF-1 is protein that has found to advance prostatic malignant growth cells and enable the prostate to be helpless to disease. Cruciferous vegetables such cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels grows and bok choy all contain a compound call glucosinolate. Glucosinolate have appeared in concentrates to diminish DNA harm, prompt apoptosis and restrain prostate malignant growth cell (Ma and Chapman, 2009).They likewise have phenethyl isothiocyanate, sulfophorane and indole-3-carbinol, which are exacerbates that have potential enemy of disease properties. Their system of activity includes the restraint of cytochrome P450 catalysts, which oxidize mixes, for example, benzo[a]pyrene and polycyclic sweet-smelling hydrocarbons (PAHs) into progressively polar epoxy-diols. Cytochrome P450 protein is a realized operator to cause transformation and disease development Another vegetable that comprises an effect on tumor cells is soy bean. Soy beans contain isoflavones*. Isoflavones are natural 3-phenylchromen-4-one structure substances that common happen in various kinds of sustenances. They repress compounds related with transmission of sign for tumor cell development. ‘Tea particularly green has been found to have comparative impacts to expending vegetables and natural products. Polyphenol mixes in green tea have likewise been found to have indistinguishable impacts from the cruciferous vegetables. They anticipate metastases of the malignancy, actuate apoptosis and hinder cell development. Studies have demonstrated that green tea hinders tumor development, in this way, prompting lower prostate-explicit antigen levels and lower IGF-1 levels (Ma and Chapman, 2009). One of these polyphenolic mixes is epigallocathechin-3 gallate (EGCG). EGCG is known to connect to urokinase, Urokinase is a catalyst that enables tumor cells to develop. In the present market, there is a medication called amiloride and is utilized Amiloride can just have a greatest portion of 20 mg EGCG while typical cup of green can have upwards of 150mg EGCG. Another advantage is that green tea can be devoured at a lot higher rate than amiloride and not have physiological impact on the body (Jankun ,1997, p561) . Fish Oil The following gatherings of nourishment that have appeared to restrain tumor cell development are fish oils. Fish oil contains n3 polyunsaturated unsaturated fats. n3 polyunsaturated unsaturated fats are known to diminish serum prostate-explicit antigen (PSA) protein articulation (Ma and Chapman, 2009). PSA is delivered by the prostate organ and is utilized by the body to melt semen. The body uses discharges PSA in semen yet at times within the sight of malignant growth, the PSA getaways to the circulatory system. There two principle gatherings of unsaturated fats, omega 3 and omega 6 unsaturated fats. , Omega 3 unsaturated fats shield from malignancy, while omega 6 unsaturated fats have been found to advance disease when devoured in intemperate sums. One motivation behind why omega 6 advances malignant growth is a direct result of its capacity to advancement aggravation. (Tandon et al., 2008). Nutrients and Minerals Another cell reinforcement that has demonstrated critical impact on prostate malignant growth cell development is nutrient E. Nutrient E is considered as an intracellular cell reinforcement and an antiprostaglandin. * Antiprostaglandins are a gathering of atoms that lessen the generation of middle people of the provocative procedure. Likewise with any fat solvent nutrients, a lot of can have hurtful impact. Admission of more than 400 IU can be unsafe to the body (Ma and Chapman, 2009). Moreover another nutrient that is significant in hindering tumor cell development is nutrient D. In studies, nutrient d has appeared in both normal cells and destructive to change over nutrient d into a functioning hormonal state. In this state, nutrient D has appeared to hinder tumor become particularly prostatic epithelial cells. (Tandon et al., 2008). Another substance other than nutrients that can help in the battle against is minerals. Minerals vary from nutrients in that nutrients are natural and contain carbon while minerals don’t and are think about inorganic. A specific mineral, selenium, has been demonstrated to be a defensive specialist. It decreases cell expansion, causes apoptosis and hinders angiogenesis. (Mama and Chapman, 2009). Angiogenesis is the development of new fine veins in the body. In averting vein arrangement; the tumor can’t develop or spread (Li, Smith and Li, 2011). Threats of Meats, high fat weight control plans and Nitrites Every one of the nourishments talked about above have appeared to diminish the example of prostatic malignancy cells. Then again, there are gatherings of sustenance that are currently known to advance prostate malignant growth cells. For instance, meats particularly cooked at high temperatures add to the creation of malignancy cells. At the point when a meat is cook at high temperature, it discharges cancer-causing agents. Cancer-causing agents are known to change DNA which can prompt two outcomes, apoptosis or advances uninhibited cell development. The two cancer-causing agents that are delivered during this procedure are Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic sweet-smelling hydrocarbons (PAHs). (“Why Carcinogens Cause Cancer”, n.d.). An approach to decrease HCA and PAH development in cooked meats is to lessen the measure of time the meat is cooked on an open fire. This should be possible by constantly flipping the meat or utilizing a microwave to abbreviate the cooking time on the stove. Another cancer-causing agent that is found in meat is N-nitrosocompound. This cancer-causing agent is found in bacon, sausage and anything containing sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrate is additive added to sustenance to save as well as to add flavor to. N-nitroso is shaped when the sodium nitrate joins with the amines in the meat to frame this cancer-causing agent. These N-nitroso compound assaults cells and can make transformation the atom’s DNA (Mehdad, 2010). In another examination, there was proof that a high fat eating regimen add to prostate malignancy. In this investigation, men purchaser high kinds of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats fundamentally increment their odds of getting prostate malignant growth (Crowe et al., 2008). Men who were devouring 45 grams of all out fat in multi day have 10-20 percent expanded danger of getting malignancy (Park, Murphy, Wilkens, Henderson, and Kolonel, 2007). In another investigation, there was a solid connection among’s stoutness and prostate disease. In an investigation of eighty-seven men with prostate malignant growth, 89 percent of these men were overweight or hefty. Ninety-seven percent of them had a muscle to fat ratio of twenty five percent or higher (Mehdad, McBride, Grillo, Camilo, and Ravasco, 2010). Heftiness builds the body’s generation of IGF-1 which talked about early prompts malignant growth cell expansion. End Likewise with anything, explicit gatherings of sustenances should be taken with some restraint. Day by day movement and a reasonable dinner can contribute enormously to avert malignant growth development as well as carrying on with a sound upbeat life. Prostate malignant growth is the most well-known disease for men and the subsequent driving reason for malignancy passing in men. Eating sustenances high in cancer prevention agents, phytochemicals, for example, vegetables and organic products can prompt the decrease of prostatic disease cell framing. Likewise, staying away from weight control plans high in safeguarded meats, journal and cooking at high temperature all can also decrease men’s odds of getting prostate malignant growth. Works Cited Crowe, F.L., Key, T.J., Appleby, P.N., Travis, R.C., Overvad, K., Jakobsen, M.U., Riboli, E. (2008). Dietary fat admission and danger of prostate malignant growth in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 87: 1405-1413. Jankun, J. (1997, June 5). Why drinking green tea could avert malignant growth. Nature, 381, 561. Li, W., Hutnik, M., Smith, R., and Li, V. (2011). Getting Angiogenesis. Recovered from http://www.angio.org/ua.php. April 4, 2014. Mama, R.W.- L. and Chapman, K. (2009). An orderly audit of the impact of eating routine in prostate malignant growth anticipation and treatment. Diary of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 22:187-199. Mehdad, A., McBride, E., Grillo, I.M., Camilo, M., and Ravasco, P. (2010).Nutritional status and eat>

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