We can work on nurses support the decision: write a letter

Directions: answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words and include at least two references.

Step 1: Read the articles and explore the assigned websites in the Required Reading list.

Step 2: Go to your state nursing organizations website. Look for their political action and advocacy information. Alternatively, you can look for national health issues at https://www.govtrack.us/. Review information that is provided in resources provided by your professional organization.

Step 3:  Decide where you stand on the issue. Typically, nurses support the decision that has been made by the nursing organization.

Step 4:  Write an approximately 150-word statement to your representative. Sample letters may be viewed at this link: https://bebusinessed.com/congress-fax-numbers/#Sample_Letters  Remember, you are writing an email.

In the statement include the following:
The name of the person to whom you are writing, i.e. The Honorable _________________.
Identify the Bill or Issue you are addressing. 
Give the letter a bold title
Early in the note, let the person know you are a constituent and, if writing as a part of a group, that you are a nurse working with (may be your role, clients, etc.)
Discuss (briefly) why you support or dont support the issue.  Build your detail and you may include statistics if appropriate.
Include something related to a personal experience.
Close by again summarizing your hope (e.g., you hope the lawmaker votes YES on H.R. 178).

Step 5:  Submit your draft email to your faculty member for approval. Once approved, you must send the email. Add the faculty members email as a blind copy as this will document your completion of the assignment and the final grade can be awarded for the assignment.

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