We can work on Nurse-Patient Communication, Interdisplinary Communication, and Patient Safety

OverviewThis assessment requires you address the following topics:Define the seven principles of patient- clinician communicationExplain how you apply each of these to your interactions with your own patientsDescribe the three methods being used to improve interdisciplinary communicationChoose the one that you think applies best to your own area of practice, or the one that your area of practice currently uses, and clearly describe how you use it.Explain the ethical principles that can be applied to issues in patient-clinician communicationExplain the importance of ethics in communication and how patient safety is influenced by good or bad team communicationMake sure you also include a clear, separate introduction and conclusion as a part of this assignment, as these are worth separate points on the grading rubric.This assessment is aligned with course objective 6 and the module objectives.

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