We can work on Native American

How do the works we have read so far demonstrate literary expression of the American dream? Please explain
the meaning of the term ‘American dream’ in your first paragraph. In the rest of your essay, please include two
literary examples of positive/hopeful expression of this dream and two examples of negative/discouraging
outcomes. All examples should come from works we have discussed this semester.

Sample Solution

There is no evidence on how the Bible was written, the only knowledge we have on it comes from it itself. It was rewritten many times throughout centuries just based off of what was written before then. There is a three-step process that you must follow to see if something is truly history. The first step is to obtain all of the information you can on the specific event, second every little piece of information has to be examined to be considered a fact, and lastly an academic historian uses all of the information that has been proven to recreate the event for others to learn from. When looking at the Bible in terms of history you have to exam it the same way you would with other history even though religions look at it as a sacred text. When using the Hebrew Bible as historical data two questions must be answers, how were the books composed and who wrote them? and the second question is how did we come to have these books? The Hebrew Bible was passed down for centuries, throughout it being passed down many people would work on them and write new things. Most of it is written in Hebrew while there is a small amount written in Aramaic. One of the oldest translations is called Septuagint it was written in the fourth century CE. At the beginning the Bible was a bunch of scrolls. Once the Christian Church included the Jewish Bible as part of their own they split it up into the Old Testament and the New Testament and they started using the codex to present the Testaments. Tanakh is an acronym for the three sections of the Hebrew Bible, the Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim. The Torah is considered to be God’s revelations to Moses. Neviim is translated to Prophets which describe experiences from the people of Israel. Ketuvim is translated to writings but it is more depicted as miscellaneous as it includes songs prayers, poems and psalms. There is no evidence of canonization there are only writings that tell of times where works were recognized as canonical.>

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