We can work on N-Word more or less acceptable when stated by certain groups

Is the N-Word more or less acceptable when stated by certain groups?
If so, then for whom is it more acceptable?
What role do race, social class, and gender play in this?

Sample Solution

Statistics from the Department of Education SFR (2013) indicate that there are 216,030 pupils who have statements who attend state-funded educational institutions in 2012/13. Statistics indicate that the most common primary type of need was autistic spectrum disorder which accounted for 21.9 per cent of all pupils with statements and the least common was multi-sensory impairment with 0.2 per cent of these students having statements. 462,045 pupils were identified as being at School Action Plus, where the most common types of need were behaviour, emotional and social difficulties, moderate learning difficulty and speech, language and communication needs the least common were multi-sensory impairment and profound and multiple learning difficulties. This data is useful for understanding how students will be who are classified as both SEN and disabled will have be covered by the EA. That reasonable adjustment will have to be considered before admission and schools will have to be aware of the need to eliminate discrimination, victimisation and harassment. The above graph is again from the Department of Education SFR (2013) and it indicates the percentage of pupils with each primary type of SEN amongst those who were at School Action Plus and with statements in 2012/13. This graph clearly demonstrates the overlap between SEN and disabled and therefore those students who will be protected under the EA.>

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