We can work on MSUM Form Of Behavior Control By Psychologists Discussion – Assignment Help

I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.

In the textbook and Powerpoint slides, punishment is not considered an effective form of behavior control by psychologists, especially positive punishment (i.e. giving a spanking to stop unwanted behavior).

– The American Psychological Association has come out strongly against parents using spanking to punish children, and some countries outlaw spanking and make it a criminal offense.

– On the other hand, many Christians believe that to “spare the rod, [you] spoil the child.” (This phrase is NOT in the Bible, by the way. The actual passage, from Prov. 13:24, is “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”)

So, should parents use spanking as part of their parenting?

– If so, under what circumstances and how should parents avoid the problems associated with spanking?

– If not, why not? If you don’t spank as a parent, are you ignoring or disrespecting God’s Word?

[I expect that this will be a lively discussion, so please remember to be respectful and argue positions and points, not persons. Also, remember to love your classmates as yourself.

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