We can work on Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem controversial

Why is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem controversial and significant? Do you think that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem has weakened the prospects of a two-state solution? – Please post your answer in one paragraph

The move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem is controversial and significant because in doing so the U.S. is recognizing it as the capital of Israel. The reason it is an Controversial decision is because recognizing it as the capital of Israel pushes other countries to make a stance on the issue of if Jerusalem belongs to Israel or The State of Palestine. This causes the possibility of Jerusalem being split into an East and a West Jerusalem so that both states could have legal right to one almost impossible because it helps Israel on the Worldly political stage in that a major country recognizes them as the sole ruler. – Respond to this Paragraph

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or insulation that can lead to drafts, and thus higher heating bills. Additionally, you then would have to find a way to determine how much energy is allowed during each season for different regions of the country. Businesses could work on a sliding scale, the local mom-and-pop shop would not pay the same overages as an Amazon warehouse, for example. The list of externalities to energy production is extensive, and while there isn’t a direct path to abate all of them, one key tool to doing so is ensuring the funds are available. Using the additional funds generated by this plan, we can begin to invest in projects that benefit the consumer on a fundamental level (Reference 2). Better, more reliable distribution, availability of grants for higher efficiency furnaces, replacing windows in homes, and even employ energy auditors to visit homes and industry to identify places for improvement (Reference 3). The funds could also in part be delegated to environmental justice groups who advocate for those living next to the coal plant, or the oil field, or those affected by contaminated drinking water due to hydraulic fracturing. Too often the excuse is made that the funds just aren’t available, when in reality, they>

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