We can work on More of the world should rely on virtual water trade

Part 1 

Prepare to make a case both in support and against the following statement:

More of the world should rely on virtual water trade

On Monday, groups on one side of the classroom will argue for the affirmative side of the statement while the groups on the other side of the room will argue the negative side. You should come prepared with a list of arguments to support either side.

Part 2

Calculate your Water Footprint in three ways, taking note of the information the calculators are using to make their estimates, along with your results.  First, use the quick calculator (first citation below), then work through the extended calculator (second citation below) and see how your footprints compare.  Third, work through either calculator, but change your country or some other input. Bring your results to class on Monday.

Water Footprint Calculators

Chapagain, AK, Hoekstra, AY and Mekonnen, M (2007). Your Water Footprint – The Quick Calculator. University of Twente. http://waterfootprint.org/en/resources/interactive-tools/personal-water-footprint-calculator/

Chapagain, AK, Hoekstra, AY and Mekonnen, M (2007). Your Water Footprint – Extended Calculator. University of Twente. http://waterfootprint.org/en/resources/interactive-tools/personal-water-footprint-calculator/personal-calculator-extended/

Part 3

Read the following short web page from the Water Footprint Network, then read one of the articles/reports in the numbered list below. This will prepare you to discuss the concepts, value, and uncertainties of national scale water footprints.

Water Footprint Network (2016). National Water Footprint. http://waterfootprint.org/en/water-footprint/national-water-footprint/

Plus one of the following…

Aldaya, MM and Hoekstra, AY (2010). The Water Needed for Italians to Eat Pasta and Pizza. Agricultural Systems, 103: 351–360. http://www.waterfootprint.org/Reports/Report36-WaterFootprint-Pasta-Pizza.pdf 

Part 4

Type up your responses to the prompts below. This is what you will submit for a grade on Homework 2.

1) Provide the results of your water footprint quizzes. (5pts)

2) Write a paragraph comparing the results, your take on their relative accuracy, and the impact of changing your country of origin or some other input. (3pts)

3) Write a paragraph consisting of your evaluation of the value of water footprint analysis. What is to be learned from it? How can it be used? What are its limitations? (3pts)

Is this question part of your assignment?

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