We can work on Mill’s distinction between higher and lower pleasures.

Explain Mill’s distinction between higher and lower pleasures. What is the criterion for determining whether a given pleasure is higher or lower? Explain how Mill’s distinction here makes his theory different from Bentham’s.

  • Suppose we are considering whether to tax the rich in order to help the poor. What could be a utilitarian argument that would support doing this? What could be a utilitarian argument that would oppose doing this?
  • In the case of the Mignonette ship disaster, do you think that the three surviving sailors were morally justified in taking the life of the cabin boy? Explain the reasoning behind your view.

Sample Solution

The Diamond Necklace Affair Between 1770 and 1797, the Queen Marie Antoinette’s diamond necklace in France was despised by the French people. Their hatred of her and monarchy brought about the French Revolution. Many problems led to Queen Maria Antouanette’s disappointing, her vanity, that she led to ignoring people, but perhaps the most important is the event of a diamond necklace. In 1785 court jeweler, Baumar and Bassangi made a necklace with a diamond ugly arrangement of 540 different sizes, resembling the collar worn by circus animals. In addition, she participated in the incident of a diamond necklace and made her appearance a symbol of the depravity of life and infidelity. Her personal comment expressed her thoughtful and decisive decision, “We need more boats than diamonds” and “She thought that her jewelry box was well-off” she It became “women’s red letters”. That scandal is a scandal that she is frivolous and jealous, transgenderness, disdain against her husband, and a wasteful kingdom, sexually bold murderous madness, “She became the hero of the booklet, her image is corrupt It helps the people to convince the public that it is a vivid symbol of an unreliable monster shaped like a monarch. Between 1770 and 1797, the Queen Marie Antoinette’s diamond necklace in France was despised by the French people. Their hatred of her and monarchy brought about the French Revolution. Many problems led to Queen Maria Antouanette’s disappointing, her vanity, that she led to ignoring people, but perhaps the most important is the event of a diamond necklace. In 1785 court jeweler, Baumar and Bassangi made a necklace with a diamond ugly arrangement of 540 different sizes, resembling the collar worn by circus animals.>

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