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Secondary Research

 Once you have your social issue you need to locate and use TWO articles

as secondary pieces of research to enhance your understanding of your


 Use the following websites for assistance in locating relevant articles for

your social issue. You can also access Taylors College Online Library for

data bases. All Articles must be referenced and in English.

http://www.smh.com.au/ www.dw.com

http://www.news.com.au/ https://www.aljazeera.com/

www.theguardian.com http://edition.cnn.com/world

2. Planning your Research.

 You need to make a decision whether to use Qualitative and/or Quantitative

research methods and justify your choice.

 You need to choose TWO research methods that are useful for your topic and

justify your choice (refer to Study guide for the list of research methods)

 You may wish to seek assistance from your teacher regarding which research

method is appropriate for your topic.

3. Sample (If applicable)

 Take into consideration your topic and your secondary research.  Choose a sampling method to find suitable participants and justify

your choice of sampling method (refer to Study guide for the list of

sampling method).

4. Ethical research

 You need to discuss how you will achieve objectivity and avoid bias in

your research whilst following ethical considerations.

 Referring specifically to your topic, demonstrate how you will achieve

ethical research.

Writing your Social Research Proposal Report

You must include the following headings AND you should consider the

questions included below:


Decide on an appropriate title for your research report.


The introduction should outline your report and introduce the social issue you

are investigating.

 What is your question you are answering?

 Why is it an important social issue?


A: AIM OF RESEARCH: 150 words

 What is the aim of your research?

 What are you trying to achieve through your investigation?  What specific information do you hope to gain from your research?


 Qualitative? Quantitative? Why?

 What are your two research methods? Why?

 What is your sampling method? Why?

 Who are your participants? Why?

Is this question part of your assignment?

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