We can work on Mexican Culture

Part A: Informal Institutions (2-3 pages)

Describe at least 3 of these cultural dimensions: context, power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation. For each dimension,

a.    Describe the cultures orientation (e.g. high context vs. low context, individualism vs. collectivism, etc.) Explain why you have chosen this orientation for the culture.

b.    Give at least one example of behavior for each dimension in that particular culture.

c.    Explain how the cultures orientation on cultural dimensions influences behavior and decisions for that countrys companies and decision-makers

Part B: Cultural background and norms (2-3 pages)

a.    How many languages are spoken in the country you are studying? Which language is primary? Are there any tensions between speakers of various languages?

b.    Are there distinct subcultures within that country? What are some of the primary ones? Is one dominant?

c.    What is the primary religion in the country? Are multiple religions practiced? Is there tension between religions?

d.    Please describe two social norms useful to keep in mind while doing business in that country.

e.    What are the ethical norms around corruption in that country how acceptable is it?   


1.    Include headings and page numbers

2.    Use 12-point Times New Roman Font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins

3.    DO NOT copy and paste from a source use your own language. A direct quote should be enclosed in quotation marks, with a source citation. Make sure that such quotes are no longer than three or four sentences, and used not more than once or twice in each section. 

4.    Provide a list of references or works cited at the end of the paper. You can use MLA style for your citations and references. Use these resources for how format a list of references at the end of the paper:
MLA (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/)

5.    You may include charts, graphs and figures (be sure to acknowledge the source) within the body of the paper if you like these will not count against the page limits.

6.    Do check carefully to ensure good grammar and spelling. I will let a few errors slide but cut points if there are many.

7.    Do make sure that the paper flows well.

8.    You are welcome to make the paper more visually interesting with the judicious use of photographs etc. Remember to keep it easy to read!

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