Choose one mental health disorder and one behavioral health disorder, one or both being related to substance abuse. Write a 1,000-1,250-word paper in which you compare and contrast each disorder.
Your paper must include the following:
A summary of each disorder
A visual such as a table or chart that compares and contrasts the symptoms and behaviors associated with each disorder
A list of the provider roles that could work with this client in a collaborative team approach with descriptions of how they each may function within the team
An explanation for how to implement preventative programs for substance use disorders such as selected in this paper within an integrated health setting. Include the previously listed roles within the explanation.
Sample Solution
Guides1orSubmit my paper for investigation As individuals, we have to arrange and sift through a wide range of things. Thinking and seeing our general surroundings is a vitality devouring procedure for the mind. Thus, so as to improve and accelerate this undertaking, it concocted a system of stereotyping, making schematic and summed up convictions about others, things, wonders, and so on. In such manner, there is nothing terrible in generalizations. Without it, we would perhaps need to rediscover and get ourselves reacquainted with each individual we speak with. Issues start when stereotyping increases enthusiastic shading, and turns into a reason for separation. Maybe, over the span of history, there never were discusses more critical than those with respect to sexuality and sexual direction at any rate, in western progress. In spite of the fact that in certain societies, for example, Ancient Greece or Rome, homosexuality was normal, hetero connections stayed a standard. Albeit today there is a prevalent attitude that homosexuality was broadly endured in Ancient Greece, in truth there was debate encompassing it also. For instance, Plato is known to have called homosexuality “absolutely unholy, evil to the divine beings and ugliest of terrible things” (oddly, he was additionally the one to have said that equivalent sex love is substantially more honored than a customary oneâpreceding he adjusted his perspective). Antiquated Greeks had extraordinary slaves called “teachers,” whose immediate obligations were to secure young men and by young men Greeks implied guys as long as 18 yearsâfrom inappropriate behavior from other men (The Guardian). At the point when Christianity turned into the prevailing political and strict power in Europe, homosexuality got forbidden. It was viewed as a wrongdoing, a depravity so those found rehearsing same-sex love could wind up doing compensation, or more regrettable. Peculiarly, medieval society when all is said in done and the congregation specifically appeared to have endured female homosexuality superior to the male one. On the off chance that a lady was found engaging in sexual relations with another lady, she would in all probability be sentenced to three years of atonement as opposed to 10 years for the equivalent “sin” submitted by a man (Medievalists). This isn’t to make reference to that at times men could be executed for communicating and additionally rehearsing homosexuality. Ladies, on the opposite side, had more opportunities to be blamed for witchery, and wind up consuming in a fire. Ages changed, viewpoints and ideal models moved, yet homosexuality despite everything remained something not spoken about uninhibitedly particularly in social orders where strict teachings were as yet solid. However, as a rule, there was an inclination for a progressively gentle and endure disposition towards gay people. In Victorian England, for instance, gay men were dealt with rather generously if no one but you can consider a lesser measure of criminal indictments for consensual gay sex a “tolerant frame of mind.” Indeed, contrasted with different occasions, Victorian England was progressively gay-accommodating. The instance of Oscar Wilde, distributed books, for example, “Maurice” by E.M. Forster, and different models show that homosexuality gradually started exposing the unadulterated truth, so to state (History Extra). The genuine achievement happened in the twentieth century when Alfred Kinsey directed his well known research on sexual conduct among people. Following quite a while of perceptions, he reached the resolution that sexuality and sexual direction isn’t something that is 100% strong. Rather than the mainstream (even these days, shockingly) polarity “hetero gay,” Kinsey recommended that sexual direction is to a greater extent a scale with the two previously mentioned posts, and an expansive scope of sexual tastes and inclinations between them. At the end of the day, instances of outright homosexuality or heterosexuality are uncommon: pretty much every individual is some place in Kinsey’s scale, implying that androgyny can be viewed as a typical sexual direction among people (Bustle). Indeed, even today, there is a great deal of debate with respect to homosexuality. Mankind has strolled far from acknowledgment, through complete forswearing and forbidden, towards the present pretty much tolerant disposition. Research, for example, Alfred Kinsey’s demonstrate that with such a mind boggling matter as human sexuality, there can be no single-esteemed, basic answers. This implies every one of the generalizations we at present have about sexual direction ought to be reevaluated. Works Cited Davidson, James. “Why Were the Ancient Greeks so Confused about Homosexuality, Asks James Davidson.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 10 Nov. 2007, “How Far Did Medieval Society Recognize Lesbianism in This Period?”, 16 Feb. 2014, sexuality-europe-1200-1500-far-medieval-society-perceive lesbianism-period/. “The Victorians’ Surprisingly Liberal Attitude towards Gay Men.” History Extra, 18 Jan. 2018, liberal-disposition towards-gay-men/. Thorpe, JR. “Your Guide To The Kinsey Scale.” Bustle, Bustle, 25 Apr. 2018, about-this-noteworthy sexuality-continuum.>
Guides1orSubmit my paper for investigation As individuals, we have to arrange and sift through a wide range of things. Thinking and seeing our general surroundings is a vitality devouring procedure for the mind. Thus, so as to improve and accelerate this undertaking, it concocted a system of stereotyping, making schematic and summed up convictions about others, things, wonders, and so on. In such manner, there is nothing terrible in generalizations. Without it, we would perhaps need to rediscover and get ourselves reacquainted with each individual we speak with. Issues start when stereotyping increases enthusiastic shading, and turns into a reason for separation. Maybe, over the span of history, there never were discusses more critical than those with respect to sexuality and sexual direction at any rate, in western progress. In spite of the fact that in certain societies, for example, Ancient Greece or Rome, homosexuality was normal, hetero connections stayed a standard. Albeit today there is a prevalent attitude that homosexuality was broadly endured in Ancient Greece, in truth there was debate encompassing it also. For instance, Plato is known to have called homosexuality “absolutely unholy, evil to the divine beings and ugliest of terrible things” (oddly, he was additionally the one to have said that equivalent sex love is substantially more honored than a customary oneâpreceding he adjusted his perspective). Antiquated Greeks had extraordinary slaves called “teachers,” whose immediate obligations were to secure young men and by young men Greeks implied guys as long as 18 yearsâfrom inappropriate behavior from other men (The Guardian). At the point when Christianity turned into the prevailing political and strict power in Europe, homosexuality got forbidden. It was viewed as a wrongdoing, a depravity so those found rehearsing same-sex love could wind up doing compensation, or more regrettable. Peculiarly, medieval society when all is said in done and the congregation specifically appeared to have endured female homosexuality superior to the male one. On the off chance that a lady was found engaging in sexual relations with another lady, she would in all probability be sentenced to three years of atonement as opposed to 10 years for the equivalent “sin” submitted by a man (Medievalists). This isn’t to make reference to that at times men could be executed for communicating and additionally rehearsing homosexuality. Ladies, on the opposite side, had more opportunities to be blamed for witchery, and wind up consuming in a fire. Ages changed, viewpoints and ideal models moved, yet homosexuality despite everything remained something not spoken about uninhibitedly particularly in social orders where strict teachings were as yet solid. However, as a rule, there was an inclination for a progressively gentle and endure disposition towards gay people. In Victorian England, for instance, gay men were dealt with rather generously if no one but you can consider a lesser measure of criminal indictments for consensual gay sex a “tolerant frame of mind.” Indeed, contrasted with different occasions, Victorian England was progressively gay-accommodating. The instance of Oscar Wilde, distributed books, for example, “Maurice” by E.M. Forster, and different models show that homosexuality gradually started exposing the unadulterated truth, so to state (History Extra). The genuine achievement happened in the twentieth century when Alfred Kinsey directed his well known research on sexual conduct among people. Following quite a while of perceptions, he reached the resolution that sexuality and sexual direction isn’t something that is 100% strong. Rather than the mainstream (even these days, shockingly) polarity “hetero gay,” Kinsey recommended that sexual direction is to a greater extent a scale with the two previously mentioned posts, and an expansive scope of sexual tastes and inclinations between them. At the end of the day, instances of outright homosexuality or heterosexuality are uncommon: pretty much every individual is some place in Kinsey’s scale, implying that androgyny can be viewed as a typical sexual direction among people (Bustle). Indeed, even today, there is a great deal of debate with respect to homosexuality. Mankind has strolled far from acknowledgment, through complete forswearing and forbidden, towards the present pretty much tolerant disposition. Research, for example, Alfred Kinsey’s demonstrate that with such a mind boggling matter as human sexuality, there can be no single-esteemed, basic answers. This implies every one of the generalizations we at present have about sexual direction ought to be reevaluated. Works Cited Davidson, James. “Why Were the Ancient Greeks so Confused about Homosexuality, Asks James Davidson.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 10 Nov. 2007, “How Far Did Medieval Society Recognize Lesbianism in This Period?”, 16 Feb. 2014, sexuality-europe-1200-1500-far-medieval-society-perceive lesbianism-period/. “The Victorians’ Surprisingly Liberal Attitude towards Gay Men.” History Extra, 18 Jan. 2018, liberal-disposition towards-gay-men/. Thorpe, JR. “Your Guide To The Kinsey Scale.” Bustle, Bustle, 25 Apr. 2018, about-this-noteworthy sexuality-continuum.>