We can work on Media on disabled people


  1. How are people with disabilities portrayed now versus how they’ve been portrayed historically? What model of disability is being presented? To complete this assignment, view the images by disabled artists, watch the videos, and read the articles in the section about representation of people with disabilities in the media (Part 2), or recall examples from recent films/TV/etc. Select at least two for comparison.


Image of a button. An outer band of black contains white lettering reading “Same struggle different differences.” The inner portion is separated into 4 quadrants. In the upper left is a silhouette of a mountain with yellow rays crossing an orange sky above it and “I have a dream” in orange along the bottom of the quadrant. In the upper right is the symbol for women in orange on a purple background. In the lower left quadrant is the rainbow flag. In the lower left quadrant is a white stick-figure person in a wheelchair on a dark blue background.

This image references the civil rights movement, women’s liberation, LGBTQ+ movement, and the disability rights movement. Remember that the Disability Rights movement in the US was inspired by the Civil Rights movement and the Women’s Liberation movement (see discussion forum for week 13 for an overview). By Why might this image be problematic? Can you conflate all 4 movements? What about people with disabilities who have more than one identity? What about disability movements across the globe? Might their images be different?

To get you started, here are a number of perspectives expressed by people in the disability community:

The struggles are not the same, even if there are overlaps.
The representation of disability is exclusionary (the wheelchair image does not represent all people with disabilities).
It would have been more appropriate to use the quote “nothing about us without us” rather than “same struggle, different difference.”
“I am uncomfortable equating my struggles either as a disabled person or as a queer person with the obstacles faced by Black people in America.” – Tillay, C.
“ It isn’t the same struggle, but it IS the same mechanics of oppression, bias, bigotry, marginalization; however, how and why and where those mechanics operate is wildly different… [S]trides forward in addressing (and dismantling) operative mechanics of hate in one area can yield useful and supportive/complimentary elements for other areas.” – Thracian, A.
“As someone who experiences all of those struggles, its gonna be a nope from me. This erases the ways in which each of these struggles combined creates a unique form of discrimination. Our intersectional experience cannot be reduced to the sum total of different forms of discrimination.” –Oni, S

  1. Post one new fact you learned from the textbook with a quote.

R: Eritrean-American Woman Became 1st Blind, Deaf Graduate of Harvard Law School

R: Common Portrayals of Persons with Disabilities

R: Exploring Disability in International Film

Media Image:

Christine Sun Kim “Images of Deaf Rage”

(To read the text more closely click on the links below.)

“Degrees of Institutional Deaf Rage”

Degrees of Deaf Rage While Traveling

Mixed Representation of Disability in Film:

W: In Living Color – Adventures of Handyman 1990 – 1994 (01:57 – 04:21)

W: Trailer for the new Bethany Hamilton documentary

W: The King’s Speech

W: Queer Eye, Season 04 Episode 02, “Disabled But Not Really”

Case Study – Japan

W: Living in Japan with a Physical Disability (note the use of the word ‘weak’ to refer to disabled people).

R: Why is Japan Still Biased Against People with Disabilities?

R: Two severely-disabled candidates win seats in Japan upper house vote

Positive Representations of Disabled Athletes in the Media:

Amy Purdy in the 2014 ESPN ‘Body Issue’

Esther Verger, Pro Tennis, ESPN ‘The Body Issue’

Sample Solution

Presentation As opposed to polemically looking into each Christian custom’s methodology towards the religious philosophy and comprehension of fellowship; this paper adopts a sensible strategy beginning from the early missional church; Roman Catholicism, Reformed conventions lastly into Pentecostalism. Ex-scriptural and post-missional help will be drawn upon inside the declaration of every custom, holding fast to explicit phrasing specifically lastly proposition will be made for the training with in the Pentecostal church today. There are four articulations utilized in the book of scriptures and will be utilized in like manner all through this paper; in the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:20), Communion (1 Cor. 10:16), Eucharist (1 Cor 11:24) and fellowshipping (Acts 2:42). It is this present paper’s barrier that imaginative practices can’t be resolved until the philosophical idea of fellowship has been built up. The record of the Last Supper The concise accounts present a comparable record of the Last Supper (Mark 14:22, Luke 22:7 and Matthew 26:17); Jesus praised his last days on earth with a feast with his supporters. Every one of the three accounts team up that the dinner holds customary Jewish components like that of the Seder Meal; led inside the dividers of Jerusalem upon the arrival of planning, unleavened bread, Jesus leaning back with his trains, the ‘plunging’ components into bowls, cups of wine lastly the singing of psalms toward the finish of the feast. Notwithstanding; while considering the elucidation and sequence communicated in John’s gospel, we could agree that while it contains comparative ascribes to the brief accounts it suggests an alternate feast. He recognizes it was “before the Passover” (John 13:1-2) and further distinguishes that it was a night feast and not in the beyn ha’arbayim. A few researchers propose that the dinner was not a Passover supper but instead a Haburah feast imparted to companions (not family) and proof is additionally upheld as Jesus left his supporters to withdraw in isolation to the mount of Olives, while the Seder feast would expect them to come back to their homes as refered to in Deuteronomy. Gavin features the significance of this in the improvement of the Christian development as it creates in the book of Acts. The dinner was described independently from Passover and regularly connected with suppers, for example, commitment, memorial services and relationships and so on and in this manner made for simpler marriage with Gentile partnership suppers. The Haburah supper makes the shape for the different ceremonies today as it required a president and the base of three members and a cup of thanksgiving. Luke-Acts gives a theologumena way to deal with the sacred writings and a conciliatory sentiment towards the genuineness for the introduction of the early church and its practices. Rowe recognizes the book of Luke-Acts the perfect report for Christians to extricate educational and standardizing rehearses and not only for chronicled reference. Luke gives an inside and out record on the Lord’s Supper and is re-masterminded somewhat from that of Matthew and Mark. His complex methodology moves the peruser past an institutional structure as found in Matthew and Mark bringing a strict meaning of Jesus’ penance into the bread. Luke further parallels the cup with the New Covenant as a ‘recognition’. Utilizing a social-expository methodology the term ‘recognition’ (anamnesis) empowered the adherent to experience all reality mnemonically. One must not discredit the job of Greco-Roman impact upon Luke’s conscious use of the term anamnesis which is likewise found in Paul’s compositions. Paul’s features the agape feast in mutual settings, for the most part in private homes and gives a structure to the dinner while lining up with Lucan account utilizing the term ‘recognition’ (1 Cor. 11:25). By and by, Paul’s delineation of the Last Supper must be seen through a social-expository focal point whereby Paul is looking to join the congregation and avert troublesome practices (1 Cor. 11: 27-34) Paul features a deliberate social occasion for a feast whereby all are welcome, an assessment of still, small voice is looked for and adherents celebrate through utilizing components of bread and wine and in doing so the network declare Christ’s passing until His arrival (1 Cor. 11:26). He alludes to an otherworldly and physical mending for the individuals who expend the components because of their dishonor. Paul’s translation of the Eucharist holds an eschatological setting and in this way holds a comparative mental aide comprehension to Judaism as opposed to a conciliatory utilization of divine beings that would have been of normal practice among agnostics. Be that as it may, it is uncertain if Paul decided an exacting articulation of Christ changed into the bread and wine. Post-Apostolic records As Christianity advances the partnership dinner turns into a standardizing some portion of Christian life and love; it gets requested as the ecclesiology of the early church faces numerous difficulties, for example, inward assorted variety, social political subtleties, abuse and cultic impacts. The principal century record the Didache gives an unmistakable sign towards the ceremonial assignment of Eucharistic arrangement in Christian life; “Amass on the Lord’s Day, and eat and offer the Eucharist; however first make admission of your shortcomings, with the goal that your penance might be an unadulterated one” While the archive recognizes the magical and salvific nature of fellowship it expresses that the Lord’s Supper is for sanctified through water Christians. While the creator is obscure and careful dating and significance is faulty, it provides us with the information that Christians met in homes and there was a president who presented of Christ’s words at the Last Supper. Other early church fathers, for example, Clement of Rome and Ignatius of Antioch recognize an unmistakable organization who offer eucharistic penances to God upon a special stepped area. Both early patraisic fathers feature that the Lord’s Supper is praised utilizing the components of bread and wine. Ignatius explicitly implies the eucharist as the “drug of everlasting status” that guides the adherent to escape demise. Justin indentifies that a prerequisite for the feast was immersion, utilizing bread and wine that are transmutated into the fragile living creature and blood of Jesus. He Ante-Nicene Fathers, p63to the festival of the Lords Supper world and cultic rehearses. n the day of the Lord to give thanksoffers further understanding into the festival of the Lord’s Supper; “this nourishment is called among us the Eucharist of which nobody is permitted to share yet the man who accepts… washed with the washing that is for the reduction of sins… we been instructed that the nourishment which is honored by the petition of His promise, and from which our blood and substance by transmutation are supported, is the fragile living creature and blood of that Jesus who was made tissue” Tertullian, who got one of the most influencial essayists in the West, recognizes that fellowship was praised as an agape supper that is held in adoration and in a supper setting. Tertullian pivots his contention upon his translation of John 6, proposing that Christ’s initiation and directions were an allegory to “speak to” his body and blood and would subsequently reject any strict transfomation. Note that association suppers or cultic social affairs were not exclusively saved to that of Judean-Christian people group yet rather were a typical statement the Greco-Roman world. Witherington distinguishes that these suppers were various leveled, official convention was to be served by the ministri, restrictive, instructional and had a plenitude of nourishment and liquor. Greek divinities were calmed by bread contributions in a sacrosanct enthusiastic articulation and consequently sensationalizing the demonstration in puzzle. This could be a recommendation with respect to why Paul features ‘natural profound powers of this world’ (Col. 2:8). In finish of this area, the post-biblical church present that Christians met in homes, normally upon the arrival of the Lord to give thanksgiving together with the two components of bread and wine. On the off chance that anything we can discover that religious comprehension is differing and perplexity rises in both wording, philosophical understanding, political feelings of trepidation and the Christian dinner is intensely affected by the Greco-Roman world and cultic rehearses. Customs AND EXPRESSIONS Roman Catholic Theology. The Roman Catholic communicates the Eucharist as the core of Christian life and holds its ceremony amazingly near that of the Jewish Passover. Similarly as the Israelites were liberated from the subjection of the Egyptians, Jesus through his initiation of the Eucharist, liberates individuals from the oppression of the world and liberates humanity into the opportunity of God’s realm. Through the formalization of Christianity into the state religion in 313AD, the Eucharistic feast became ritualized and was alluded to in hallowed and conciliatory language. As Osborne takes note of, the conciliatory love to Roman divinities regularly required observing instead of interest and what used to be considered as a conventional agape dinner of incorporation turned out to be vigorously impacted into something of an extra-standard essentialness of hallowed and conciliatory recognition. In 1140AD the organization of the holy observances start were set up as acts that were “appointed by Christ”. The identification by Peter Lombard was important because of unorthodox and dissident lessons and subsequently all other cultic articulations that had crawled into chapel practice were dismissed. By 1158 seven ceremonies were officially recorded into the Book of Sentences through which Eucharist was officially viewed as a holy observance. The Catholic church communicates that the Eucharist is a sacrosanct thanksgiving dinner through which the individuals who are in fellowship with the congregation are allowed to get this holy observance of beauty. Christ is accepted to be inherently present in the bread and wine, a nonstop offering of effortlessness and a “salvific well of our salvation”. Through the ins>

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