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Masters level forum

Now let’s apply the concepts we have learned so far to Flint, Michigan. You have all seen this in the headlines. Flint has a major health crisis because of lead leaking into its water. Take a look at the progression of how this crisis came to light. Keep in mind the video you just watched on willful blindness as you note ALL the public/governmental agencies involved along the way. Was there willful blindness in Flint? Or are public official more directly culpable?


Was there willful blindness in Flint? Or are public official more directly culpable?

At this writing four officials had been charged. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/12/20/four-more-officials-charged-with-felonies-in-flint-water-crisis/?utm_term=.25ea505decd7 ) These included emergency managers and finance officials. Note they are just charged at this point. How do you think the court will rule? Were they criminally liable? Legally not liable but ethically wrong?

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