We can work on Marketing research

Research about the marketing you find around the two films you watched. For example, if you watched Aladdin, do a Google search for “Aladdin” to see what kinds of marketing you can find about the film and about the toys

Sample Solution

One of the most popular and innovative electronic games in recent years is the electronic game Xbox Fitness designed for Microsoft’s video game console, the Xbox One (Sumo Digital). Within Xbox Fitness, the user’s movements are captured via the Xbox One’s camera the Kinect which provides real-time feedback of the user’s performance, heartbeat, as well as which muscle groups are being most utilized. As a result, Xbox Fitness provides one of the most unique fitness experiences because the user is provided the opportunity to exercise with some of the most renowned personal trainers in the world allowing the user to be continually motivated and engaged throughout their exercise sessions (Sumo Digital). Xbox Fitness as well as many other fitness electronic games are an excellent way to relieve anxiety and promote relaxation because electronic fitness games provide a relaxed environment to exercise that could otherwise cause anxiety for people exercising in a gym as well as are a great way to achieve fitness goals. In addition to reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, playing electronic games provides an exceptional medium to improve social skills through online multiplayer electronic games. Once the World Wide Web was created in circa 1990, people throughout the globe have become more connected to each other than ever in history (WebFoundation.org). As a result, electronic game developers have attempted to capitalize on the substantial demand for interconnectivity by creating multiplayer electronic games that can be played with other users via the internet. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular multiplayer electronic games is the first-person shooter electronic game Call of Duty. Call of Duty is a military re-enactment electronic game which requires users to interact with other users to work as a team in order to defeat the opposing team (Activision). Users of Call of Duty range from casual users to competitive teams that play Call of Duty in tournaments for hundreds of thousands of dollars. One of the most world renowned competitive Call of Duty teams is the American team Optic Gaming who has won many international tournaments and acquired millions of followers on the website Yout>

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