We can work on Marketing, Public Relations, and Corporate Citizenship

You will continue to use the organization that you chose in Week One (AMAZON) to concentrate on marketing, public relations, and corporate citizenship. In addition to organizational efforts that promote products and services describe any policies or actions taken by the organization to encourage ethical behavior and social responsibility. Offer suggestions to enhance the marketing, public relations, and corporate citizenship of the organization through a focus on diversity. Support your conclusions using the Kleason (2007) article and the Pomeranz (2009) article as two of your sources. The body should be 4-6 pages, type-written and double spaced prepared in APA format.

Mandatory References:

Kleasen, K. (2007 Summer). Building human resources strategic planning, process and measurement capability: Using Six Sigma as a foundation. Organization Development Journal, Chesterland, 25(2), P37-P41. (ProQuest Document ID: 1266206771).

Pomeranz, R. (2009). The evolution of human resources directors’ responsibilities. The CPA Journal, 79(7), 12-13. (ProQuest Document ID: 1796592741).

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