We can work on Marketing Management – Case Study – Starbux

Each question should be attempted. Read instructions for each questions carefully. (with respect to the marketing values and terms attached for each question)
Answers should include your justification for each point.

1.    Customers in over 80 markets choose to buy Starbucks every day.
(a)    Explain the level of involvement in the decision to buy Starbucks (2 marks)
(b)    Evaluate the typical customer decision making process for a customer choosing to buy Starbucks (5 marks)
(c)    Discuss how Starbucks marketing team can influence this process? (3 marks)
(d)    Explain which decision making role is regarded as the most important in this decision? (2 marks)
2.    What targeting strategy is being used by Starbucks? (5 marks)
3.    Using the criteria for successful segmentation, assess how well Starbucks have created their market segments (5 marks)
4.    Starbucks has created a very strong brand position since 1971.
(a)    Which type of value is Starbucks brand image based on? (3 marks)
(b)    Discuss the key criteria for Starbucks successful positioning (5 marks)

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