We can work on Marijuana, users, and those who deal with mental issues

Does Marijuana help users and deal with mental issues? The articles are on the same topic but feature different perspectives, opinions, and conclusions about the aspects of the topic. For example, if you are majoring in cybersecurity, you might locate four articles about the need for improved training for employees on mobile security issues. The four articles might take different angles on the topic, perhaps even disagreeing in some respects. To use another example, if you are majoring in criminal justice, you might locate four articles on the CSI Effect. The articles should take different perspectives on the topic. Perhaps one or two of them say that the CSI Effect exists and one or two say that it does not exist. Or perhaps all agree that it exists but they all take slightly different approaches to addressing the problem.

Organization for this Essay
You will write an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement. Your thesis statement will demonstrate what the various sources say on the topic. You will also have various body paragraphs that show synthesis. In synthesizing sources, you will divide your paper into themes. For example, let us assume that you find four articles on the need for improved training for employees on mobile security issues. In this situation, assume that the four articles emphasize different issues. One emphasizes the costs of data breaches to companies. Another emphasizes reasons that employees do not practice safe cybersecurity practices. Another discusses methods for training employees. Another mentions the costs of training for such initiatives.

You will divide the paper into two categories:
• Reasons for the use of Marijuana
• The different forms of Marijuana used
• How does it affect its users?
• What do medical professionals think about Marijuana use good and bad?

Sample Solution

Experiencing childhood in various pieces of Florida, I have constantly discovered an association with the sea. I love heading off to the sea shore and furthermore going sailing. This past summer, I at long last had the option to go SCUBA jumping which I’ve longed for since I was more youthful. I have an incredible gratefulness for the characteristic excellence of the oceans and the incredibly one of a kind animal varieties that live in and around it. At the point when I got some answers concerning the dying of coral that was occurring a direct result of rising temperature, I was significantly disturbed and concerned. A considerable lot of the animals that I grew up cherishing were losing their extraordinarily specific natural surroundings. I accept this is a gigantic issue for our general public and I thought about what I could do to take care of this issue. Over this past summer, I went SCUBA making a plunge Key Largo where I earned my affirmation. My father, who used to be a SCUBA educator enlightened me regarding how the reefs we visited, while as yet astounding, had shriveled and lost a ton of biodiversity. Indeed, even I could tell that it wasn’t exactly right. There coral reefs that were once splendid shades of blue, pink, yellow and numerous different hues were turning dull and boring. There were just a couple of types of coral that were all the while succeeding, and numerous skeletons of coral in the sand. Under the water there is an entirely different world that numerous individuals aren’t ready to find and along these lines couldn’t care less for and totally overlook. This evoked an emotional response in me and I looked into why this was occurring. I discovered that the primary explanation this was happening was the expansion in sea temperatures. I likewise discovered that it wasn’t only a Florida issue, however it was additionally devastating the Great Barrier Reef, a flat out dream goal for me. Without activity, this would in the end happen to the entire sea and it is difficult to ever return to typical. I accept that securing the seas and the creatures in it ought to be one of humanities top needs. A large number of the world’s kin live off a carefully pescatarian diet. In the event that we lose the coral reefs, it can prompt starvation for some individuals. Additionally, there are a great many private ventures everywhere throughout the world that depend on reefs and are as of now feeling the impacts of blanching. I accept that every individual has a characteristic obligation to leave the Earth the equivalent, if, worse than it was before we were conceived. I realize that one significant advance to taking care of this issue is mindfulness. Numerous individuals live their lives totally unconscious of what’s going on in their general surroundings. It is essential to tell them that the reefs are being devastated, and how that will influence their lives or other’s. Another progression I would take to take care of this issue is to urge individuals to battle the issues that are making the temperatures rise. Extraordinary measures of contamination from a wide range of ventures are to be faulted for the massive measure of ozone harming substances in our air. I accept that individuals ought push for stricter enactment on discharges as well as make that additional stride and diminish or even cut out their utilization of items in these businesses. I realize that I, and every other person, are at fault for what is happening. The hardest piece of this test is to get individuals to understand that what they do each day, regardless of how normal it is, actually affects the world. Individuals are so blinded by the way that it doesn’t impact their everyday life that they don’t see that in the long run it will prompt that in the event that we don’t act speedy. The issue of rising sea temperature and coral blanching won’t leave without anyone else, and individuals need to put forth a gathering attempt to forestall further harm. This issue we are confronting is a significant one to me, and I would like to do my part ordinarily to forestall it. My job in this issue has quite recently started, and I want to get included and discover approaches to help fix this issue. On the off chance that we don’t make a move, our kids and our grandkids will never find a good pace characteristic magnificence of our seas.>

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