We can work on Managing Communication Issues

Communication can be a challenge as there are many variables to consider. In order to manage workplace communication effectively, you need to understand how communication works within the various criminal justice entities.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss communication problems that occur in the following:

External environment, such as media or the public
Criminal justice agencies

Explain how the communication issues may be resolved for each environment.

Include how technology can play a role in facilitating or hindering communication in each environment.

Sample Solution

Gaining knowledge should be more than just memorizing facts. The brain does not obtain knowledge by just memorizing facts. The brain can only hold so much, causing it to make many accidents. When memorizing the focus on not primarily on understanding what you know. In “The End of Remembering”, Foer states that “the brain is always making mistakes, forgetting, misremembering.” In order for the brain to retain knowledge, it must be exposed to the information repeatedly. For example, something may be scented with the smell of food but that does not mean you should eat it. The brain does not keep memories forever, majority of memories are only short term because the brain tends to get side tracked. The internet is the main distraction that prevents the brain from keeping memories. Author Nicholas Carr states that it seizes our attention only to scramble it. The internet confuses all the information stored in the mind, breaking concentration and burdening the working memory. Skimming has become another way of trying to obtain knowledge. Author Nicholas Carr states, “We’ve always skimmed newspapers more than we’ve read them, and we routinely run our eyes over books and magazines to get the gist of a piece of writing and decide whether it warrants more thorough reading.”Skimming does not allow the brain to receive all the details from a text, only the main portions. The brain needs to read an entire text to actually receive complete knowledge and encode the information into long-term memory. In conclusion, due to excessive skimming people are less likely to remember what they read. When memorizing facts, there are too many to remember. Thus, the focus is not on trying to understand all the facts but trying to remember them all. When multiple memories come to mind at once, they immediately lock into a fierce competition with each other. Memories then fight to be remembered more than the other. “When these memories are tightly competing for our attention the brai>

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