We can work on Management information systems

This assignment is designed to develop your understanding of the opportunities related to e-commerce. For
this assignment, you need to do the items that follow. Don’t worry if some of the requirements seem
improbable. They are designed for an extreme solution that forces one to consider a broad range of ecommerce possibilities.

  1. Make up a company. While it can be any type of company, the assignment may be more valuable if you pick
    a company that’s relevant to your area of interest.
    Your company can’t have any employees, other than managers that strategize, manage, negotiate, and make
    contracts (they can’t do anything else).
    Next, identify the many and various needs your company needs if it is to succeed. These needs must
    meet all of your company’s needs–not just those related to MIS.
    The introductory paragraph needs to include your company’s departments, and the goods it sells, and/or the
    services it provides. This paragraph will provide part of the foundation for grading the paper. The departments
    need to be sufficient for the company, and the e-commerce solutions need to meet your company’s
    comprehensive needs. Your paper should include no more than one brief paragraph about your company.
    Mention of your employees should be very brief or absent.
  2. List e-commerce solutions for your company (there will be many solutions since your employees do so
    little). For each solution, you need to identify and include the following:
    a. The solution’s problem or opportunity (the reason your company has a need for the solution).
    i. If you’re having trouble with this, think about your company’s product(s) and/or service(s), the departments,
    infrastructure, and issues related to infrastructure. Also, remember that you will outsource all of your needs.
    ii. Also, look at Chapters 4 and 5, which include many e-commerce solutions (e.g., design work, payment
    solutions, etc.). These examples may jump-start some ideas for solutions. However, you’ll need to go beyond
    the examples. You’ll need to find some solutions that aren’t in the textbook or in the Blackboard material.
    b. The name and URL for the company that will provide the solution (your company is the recipient of the
    solution, not the provider).
    c. The price for the good or service. While this may not be possible for every solution, an accurate or closely
    estimated price should be possible for most solutions.
    d. A brief description of how the solution how will help your company
    For example, the manufacturing entrepreneur in the example wants to use PayPal:
    2.9% of the transaction plus 30 cents
    Customers may use PayPal for purchases. PayPal processes the financial transactions and provides better
    overall security for the transaction details and for credit card information than most small businesses.

Sample Solution

The Lord Of The Rings 5 Pages 1273 Words ‘The Lord Of The Rings’ arrangement was composed by J.R.R Tolkien and has been around for some ages. In spite of being around for such a long time it is as yet a most loved among most of the network continually being inside the main three best untouched books. The film for this arrangement has been shot and finished however it won’t be delivered until December and that is just the initial segment, ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’, with the following two sections to be delivered at yearly stretches. This book has two titles. The principle one, which is the title of the arrangement, is ‘The Lord Of The Rings’. This is huge to the story on the grounds that Sauron, who is the fundamental adversary, is the ‘Ruler Of The Rings’. This is because of the way that he has the ability to control the nine enchantment rings yet just in the event that he has ownership of the One Ring. The other title of the book is ‘The Fellowship Of The Ring’. This is the title for just this book in the set of three with the other two being ‘The Two Towers’ and ‘The Return Of The King’. This initial segment of the story is titles ‘The Fellowship Of The Ring’ in light of the fact that during the story an ‘association’, which is a chosen gathering of nine, is framed to decide to wreck the Ruling Ring. This book is certainly a dream story despite the fact that it is truly credible. It contains ‘hobbits’, mythical beings, dwarves, wizards, men (despite the fact that they are not anecdotal) orcs and numerous other anecdotal characters. All these are in someway totally associated whether they are companions or enemies. All through the book every one of these races are portrayed with such close detail they practically jump out of the book before you while perusing. The book is additionally set in an alternate world called Middle-earth and a dream time that has experienced a few periods including such occasions as the ‘Dim Age’ when detestable controlled, despite the fact that this time doesn’t happen in this book there are a few references to it.>

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