We can work on Management information systems’

You have been hired as a consultant to present a BI solution for an international Organization. The organization is interested in using business intelligence to help with strategic decision making and has asked you to demonstrate how BI tools can improve data analysis for issues or new theories. You will provide a written report as well as an oral presentation and recording to demonstrate how you would present your proposed BI solution to stakeholders of the U.S. Organization.

Your written BI solution should include:

  1. GitHub Existing Project Demonstration
    GitHub is a hosting service for projects that use Git. Git is a revision control system tool that manages source code history. You can store project codes in GitHub repositories. Upload a previous completed project onto the GitHub website (Links to an external site.).

Screenshot of your GitHub account with the project loaded
A description of the project uploaded including what the output results reveal.
part two

Organization background and rationale for choosing it
Description of business problem or new theory that will be addressed
Explanation of data set chosen and how data can be accessed in real-time
Description of BI tool(s) used to perform data analytics
Explanation of code or functions used to evaluate data to perform different analytics types
Description of data visualization tools (reports, dashboards, query) to communicate and display data analytics results
Discussion of data analytics outcomes and benefits of using business intelligence
Programming code and screenshots of data analysis outcomes, including the upload to GitHub

Sample Solution

cialized groups and demonstrates that those who do not meet these standards experience low self-esteem, stigmatization, and lack of social acceptance by self and others. Studies reveal that racialized groups define beauty in terms of Western and Eurocentric norms and express the desire to conform to it. Furthermore, studies also illustrate that racialized women define beauty as ‘tall’, ‘slim’ and ‘white’, and experience stigmatization and lack of social acceptance when they do not possess these traits. The case of Barbie reinforces these beauty norms and illustrates through a doll what beauty and attractiveness consist of; fair skin and slim body. Case Summary Generations children have been brought up playing with the famous Barbie and Ken Fashion dolls. Barbie was the first doll that displayed the perfect body, waist size 0, skin colour, and long sleek hair enforcing unrealistic beauty norms (Unknown 2017).The doll received criticism from parents and media regarding the unrealistic beauty expectations targeted at young children, yet Mattel Inc. the owner of Barbie, sold over a billion dolls making Barbie the company’s largest and most profitable line (Unknown 2017). In 2006, a study from the University of Sussex found that thin and fair dolls like Barbie created negative and harmful body perceptions for young girls and led to low self-esteem (Unknown 2017). In the study, all 162 participants reported the desire to look like Barbie and had embodied the unrealistic beauty norms (Unknown 2017). However, after being the center of controversary for many years, Mattel Inc. rebranded >

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