We can work on Literatures_of_the_African_Diaspora

Write an essay in which you ​compare the interventions of two movements (options #1-3 below) of the African Diaspora​ in a dialogue with each other. ​Choose two readings from each movement​, and briefly engage with analyses from one work of African Diasporic scholarship (#4)​. Focus on producing a theme-driven essay, not a plot/argument summary. Make thoughtful in-depth arguments about the texts using quotations as supporting evidence and elaborating your own analyses.

  1. New Negro Movement
  • Langston Hughes, “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain” and “Let America Be America Again” – Zora Neale Hurston, “How it Feels to be Colored Me”
  1. Afro-Surrealism
  • ​ Robin Kelley, “Keepin’ It (Sur)real: Dreams of the Marvelous”
  • Selections from ​Black, Brown, and Beige: Surrealist Writings from Africa and the Diaspora – Tongo Eisen-Martin, ​Heaven is All Goodbyes
  1. Decolonization
  • Aimé Césaire, ​Discourse on Colonialism
  • NgÅ©gÄ© wa Thiong’o, “The Language of African Literature
  1. African Diasporic scholarship
  • Brent Edwards, “The Uses of Diaspora”
  • Robin Kelley, “How the West Was One”
  • Bernice Johnson Reagon, “African Diaspora Women: The Making of Cultural Workers” – Poetry Foundation, “An Introduction to the Harlem Renaissance”
    Suggested Thematic Questions
  • How do these movements redefine artistic freedoms, creative innovations, and responsibilities toward the author’s communities and time periods?
  • How do these movements identify the harms of colonialism, racism, and sexism? What kinds of solutions are suggested?
  • What specific debates or differences may exist within and across people in each movement, and what could this say about the complexity of ideas and actions in the African Diaspora?

Sample Solution

trict laws of the Bible. However, despite being her religious teacher, the level of care she has for Jeanette and her Christian morals are in question whenever her daughter is in need of support and guidance. She raises Jeanette to fight against the ‘evils’ of the world but the level of love she gives is measured by the expectations that Jeanette fulfils. In Linda Hutcheon’s chapter ‘Parody and the Intertextuality of History,’ it states that ‘the “world” in which the text situates itself is the “world” of discourse, the “world” of texts and intertexts’ (2003, p.125). This theory can be applied when examining Jeanette’s mother. The ‘world’ and intertexts that Oranges is situated in, is heavily religious and so naturally comparisons between Jeanette’s mother and religious figures/attitudes are going to occur. In The Hours and Mrs Dalloway, both texts share the theme of social roles and the worry of fulfilling them or the unhappiness that has derived from them. Hutcheon theorises that ‘in practice, intertexts unavoidably call up contexts: social and political, among others…as it forces us to double our vision’ (1989, p.25). This theory is present in The Hours in the form of Laura Brown and the extreme boredom she feels playing her role as a housewife during 1951. Laura is depicted to be deeply unhappy playing the role of housewife leaving her feeling trapped within her own home. Laura’s narrative takes place in a society where it was taught that ‘truly feminine women [did] not want careers, higher education, political rights- the independence and the opportunities that the old feminists fought for’ (Betty Friedan: 1963, p.16). As a result, Laura considers suicide as she feels it is the only form of escapism from her mundane life and the only way she can regain freedom. As well as linking to the character of Richard Brown, Septimus Smith is also similar to Laura. Ne>

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