We can work on Leveraging Social Media

How can HR use SM as an effective communication tool?
How can you use crowdsourcing in HR?
What ideas would you bring to your job from SM?
Do you see any potential for using this type of SM outside of a job?

Sample Solution

There are a few economic factors that can affect an investors decision making or behaviour: 1. Overall Performance of the company- It means the analysis of the company’s performance by evaluating its a. Financial Performance b. Market Performance c. Shareholder Value 2. Price Movement Information- Price fluctuations affect the pattern of investing. It is said that volatility in prices and manipulation is the main cause of worry for retail investors. 3. Risk Aversion- Investors have different capacity to bear risk hence have different types of investment and individual who expects to generate higher return will invest in the securities with high risk whereas, risk avoiding investors will invest in securities with lower risk. It is suggested that risk tolerance level decreases with the increase int age of the investor. 4. Risk -Taking Capacity- Investors invest in volatile investments in order to get higher profits than average. 5. Profitability- When investor invest their money, their main purpose is to earn profit on it. They do not hesitate to invest on risky securities because they think that high risk can give them higher return. Level of annual earnings/ income and their savings affect the decision making of an investor. Functions of Traditional Portfolio Manager Portfolio manager is an individual who develops and implements investment strategies for individual or institutional investors. Usually, Portfolio manager positions are in line with hedge funds, pension plans and private investment firms or as part of an investment department of an insurance or mutual fund company. In most cases, a portfolio manager follows a pre-determined for investment dictated by an investment policy statement to achieve a clients objective. The traditional portfolio management requires basic knowledge and understanding in field of the financial investment. Roles and Responsibilities of a Portfolio Manager: • A Portfolio manager is responsible for making and individual aware of the various investment tools available in the market • A Portfolio manager is responsible designing customised investment solutions for the clients • A Portfolio manager must keep himself updated with the latest changes in the financial market • A Portfolio manager ought to be unbiased and tough professional • A Portfolio manager needs to be good decision maker along with communicating with their clients on a regular basis in order to meet the set financial goals of the client • Do not forge or sign on behalf of your clients. • Independence and Objectivity – Members and Candidates must use reasonable care and judgment to achieve and maintain independence and objectivity in their professional activities. Members and Candidates must not offer, solicit, or accept any gift, benefit, compensation, or consideration that reasonably could be expected to compromise their own or another’s independence and objectivity. Robo Advisors: An online application that provides automated financial guidance and services. Robo-advisors (robo-advisers) are digital platforms that provide automated, algorithm-driven financial services with little to no human supervision. A typical robo-advisor collects information from clients about their financial situation and future goals through an online survey, and then uses the data to offer advice and/or automatically invest client assets. History of Robo Advisors: The first robo-advisors were launched in 2008 during the financial crisis . In 2010, Jon Stein, a 30-year old entrepreneur, launched for easing way of selecting the portfolio, and roboadvisors increased in popularity. The first robo-advisers were used as online interface to manage and balance client’s assets by financial managers. Robo-adviser technology was not new to this field, as this kind of software has been in use by financial advisers and managers since early 2000’s. But they were made publicly available in 2008 for the first to general public who were in dire need to manage their assets personally. By the end of 2015, robo-advisers from almost 100 companies around the globe were managing $60 billion assets of clients and it is estimated that it will hit $2 trillion by the end of 2020.In June 2016, robo-advisor Wealth front announced a partnership with the Nevada state front to offer a 529 plan for college savings. In 2017, Betterment raised $70 million of financing and Personal Capital raised $40 million of financing. In 2016, Hong Kong based 8 Securities launched one of Asia’s first robo-advisors. In 2017, Singapore based Stash-away received a capital markets services license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore. While robo-advisors are most common in the United States, they are also present in Europe,Australia, India, Canada, and Asia In Canada, BMO SmartFolio and Wealthsimple are exa>

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