We can work on Lesson Plan


I have completed most of the lesson plan. Please read through it and feel free to make any changes if needed. The part I require you to finish is the lesson rationale (750 words).

Create a 60-minute vocabulary lesson. Topic Selected is Travel. 

The Students
You have a class of 15 multi-lingual adults at intermediate level (B1). There are 10 men and 5 women, and they come predominantly from China and Saudi Arabia. Ages range from 18 – 38. Your students have different motivations including studying in an English-speaking country, improving their English to help their job prospects and travelling.

Use the template provided to submit your assignment. You should only upload this document. 
Read all the information on the template carefully.
Ensure you fill in each section, leaving nothing blank. 
Follow the information in the course to help structure your lesson.
Reference any materials you use, even if you make them yourself. 

Please note: the assignment is graded by a tutor against fifteen criteria. If you do not meet one of the fifteen criteria, you will receive feedback to this effect and will need to resubmit the work. Ensure you read the assessment criteria guide in full and use it to design your lesson plan. These are the 15 criteria your tutor will use to mark your work. 

Resources provided by my course that may help. I have used some of these methods in the lesson plan, please highlight them in the rationale

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