We can work on learning in practice diary

Diary 1 I focused on these 4 themes and their below competencies


I undertook the practice in a general practice place in a community based-hospital in a local community. The dearth of physicians in the community informed my decision to offer my support in this health center. A general practitioner with the help of other original health workers supervised my learning. Among other people present were the senior nurses, pharmacist and doctors who worked at the health center. These people contributed largely to my practice at the health center as they offered me the leeway to exercise extreme professionalism with my patients.

My area of scope is asthma among other allergic illness. Primarily, I saw patients with asthma but like mentioned our group also attended to other patients such as eczema, diabetes and heart failure. Overall, the interaction with these patients helped introduce me into the medical practice. In addition, the involvement with diverse types of patients enhanced my overall experience in handling different type of friends.


Primly, my role was to assess the patient’s conditions such as clinical assessments, interpretation of patient records to enhance patients’ management. Among other assessment activities involved confirming the diagnosis of various patients to enhance precision in treatment. General tasked involved obtaining the patients records and providing them when needed. This practice enhanced the overall efficiency of the healthcare system. Another activity that was involved in included monitoring and review of the clients’ commitment to the treatment by giving the client clear, accessible and understandable information concerning the medicines. This enables the client to maintain the treatment schedule.

Working in this center was challenging but helped integrate in my profession. I received feedbacks from patients most in my area of scope. In most cases, patients tipped me for my exemplary. Notwithstanding, I also received feedbacks from colleagues that denoted my propensity to diversity in their midst. In general, I created tremendous impact on both my colleagues’ patients. Consequently, this enhanced my work diversity.


During this time at the center, I learned adequate patient care as well as patient record keeping. In practice, patient record keeping is important in promoting work efficiency in healthcare system. In addition, meeting different people in with different environment enhanced my thinking; I have been able to acquire integrative abilities that enabled me to consider other races equally.

Clinical decision-making is important for the success of a medical process. In that case, I indulged my supervisors in the discussion of various decision-making processes. Mainly, clinical decisions are critical as they directly influence the outcome of the entire treatment process as well as the professionalism of the health practitioner. First discussion was aimed at understanding the outcome of various decisions and how they relate to ethical considerations in medicine. Second discussion involved dilemmatic decisions that put the life of the patient in jeopardy; this was meant to assess the basic options the practitioner has in such conditions. Overall, proper decision-making promotes efficiency in the healthcare organization.

Action plan

Hitherto, I have acquired the basic background pertaining to my course, however I feel there is need to engage in thorough training to help me understand the profession better. Important areas to be covered in my remaining hours involve (1) patient care (2) precision and (3) management. Up to now, I am not able to offers holistic patient management without help from a senior practitioner. In my forthcoming hours, I intend to acquire more patient management skills. Precision is important in healthcare; this pertains to diagnosis prescription and overall patient care. Finally, adequate management skills are important in ensuring that patients under my care receive adequate healthcare management. Further, this learning outcome enables me to acquire superior organization management which inadvertently promotes my overall professional performance.

Diary entry 2 then focused on these 4 themes and competence

While in the midway of my practice hours, my study focused on identification of options. Here my major concerns on assessing the risks a patient has during treatment especially on using different treatment methods. For example, the consideration both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment as modified treatment methods were are options in treatment. A good practitioner should be able to utilize these options to offers better healthcare to the patients.

To enhance efficiency in treatment management, it is essential for the practitioner to exercise adequate decision-making process. Through the theme of shared decision-making the session aimed at promoting partnership between the patient and the caregivers. In the same session, my supervisors took me through a comprehensive learning process of identifying various, diverse values, beliefs and expectations of the outcome of various healthcare approaches. My prime goal in this category was to understand the various perceptions of the patients on various treatment methods. This helps in the provision of a non- bias illness management options.

With prescription as major theme of the session, the learning outcome was aimed at integrating an up-to date awareness of different impacts of various clinical outcomes. Prescription as crucial medical practice, the session was accompanied with deep precision. In the case, it is important to understand the adverse effects of various medical treatments and ways of avoiding them. Since the practice involves significant precision, a practitioner needed to pay attention on the generic medicines and there safety measures. Overall, the idea of the learning was to understand the potential opportunity of misuse of medicines. The sessions acted as an opener to my professional career as a medic.


I undertook my learning practice in a private hospital under the supervisor of a senior pharmacist. In the area the area of the supervisor depended majorly on the specific aim of the various learning outcomes. For example during the prescription session, the pharmacist helped understand the general principles of prescription. The detailed and comprehensive learning process enabled me to understand various outcomes of clinical and medical prescriptions. Among present were nurses, doctors and other subordinate physicians who offered  me supports through the learning session.

During this time, I was not exposes to real patients as the supervisor exposed me to various disease case files. Through these case files, I was able to train on offering prescription to actual patients.


I worked closely with my supervisor to offer prescription to patient. Even though I had no actual encounter with patients my trainer availed case medical patient files which I help her fill as well as provide prescription. The rigorous training process led to significant experience in handling various patients.


Missioned towards understanding various options and decision making, I have acquired different skillset pertaining to medicine use. Besides the pharmacological knowledge, I have gained various clinical approaches and patient management. In particular, in the identification of options, I have gained the experience of handling various circumstances. Unlike the institutive concepts, I am cognizant of the diversity among the patients in respect to values, belief and expectation as learned in the theme of shared decision making. Overall, identification options help the practitioner to weigh options before arriving to the best. On the other hand, share decision-making concept helps the practitioner to operate in a diversified environment. Finally, prescription uses the above concepts to foster precision in care provision; these are the outcomes of the above sessions.

Actin plan

Still, i have not gained enough experience in prescription. it crucial to gain adequate experience to enable me provide safe and flawless prescription to the patients. Therefore, I intend to divulge in intensive prescription learning; this will enhance my ability to work independently. Moreover, with an aim to become a complete medical prescriber, it is essential to attain high level of precision, therefore it is my desire to enhance my abilities in the same line.

Diary entry 3

Last diary Description

I undertook my learning practice at a public community healthcare center under the supervision of a pharmacist among other health care professional such as practicing nurses and doctors. These medical personnel’s enhanced my learning process as they speeded my understanding of various aspects of study. The senior pharmacist oversaw all my activities with the help of the other health professional.

While in my advanced stages of prescription lessons, I was subjected to actual patients to enable me, advance my previous learning. For the first time, I got to interact with patient in my area of scope. In the previous sessions, I was subjected to quasi on no-existent patients for purposes of study, however the subsequent session enabled me to have a face-to face interaction with client in my area.


With an overriding theme of prescription, I was able to observe different causes of medication errors and different means of detection. In addition, my supervisor took me through alternative ways of prescribing medications such as online or remote media and the various steps taken to minimize the associated risks.

I engaged in a prescription task where I got involved prescription team to ensure continuity of safe care across the system. Among other important process I undertook included, undertaking of clinical assessment by taking appropriate diagnosis with adequate consideration of both legal, social and ethical clinical aspects. Another undertaking included recognizing the unique implications during the development of anatomical and physiological diversity among neonate, young people and children


As premised by the main themes; adequate prescription knowledge improves medical prescription and promotes professionalism. Among other learning outcomes, these sessions helped me acquire the in-depth implication of the application of precision in medicine prescription. During the session of learning to prescribe professionally, I was able to acquire confidence and acceptance of personal responsibility. This follows the fact that a practitioner should be able to accept their responsibilities in their line of work. In addition, learning to improve prescribing enabled me to understand the importance of keeping an up-to date concerns on emerging issues with certain medicine such as resistance.

Focused towards promoting precision and professionalism in the medical unit in the section patient medication, the discussion endeavored on developing efficient and effective process of prescribing medicines. Like in most cases, clinical decisions greatly impact on the practitioners prescription approaches. The supervisor advised me to apply the conventional approaches to solve difficult situations that may arise during medication.

Undoubtedly, I am thrilled to transition to my new role. However, I am aware of the unsettling demands of the job, therefore, I have put the necessary mechanisms to helps me develop through the career ladder. The feeling is enormously exiting therefore, I cannot wait to start.

Action plan  

Up to this point, I have gathered enough experience to practice. The last session has been able to shape my thinking process concerning my scope as well as medication process. With this general knowledge of medication, I can apply the learning experiences to navigate the daily clinical duties. The comprehensive sessions has offered adequate experience in various medical field.

However, I there is still room for more learning. In particular, it is essential to attend various clinical seminars to gain more knowledge on different approaches to contemporary practice change. In addition, the rapidly changing technology requires medical practitioners to blend into the new systems. Having completed my hours, I can pride over the exemplary experiences gained from the sessions. These experiences will enable me to move towards becoming a prolific prescriber.

The upcoming steps to becoming an excellent prescriber include reading and reviewing different cases. From these cases, I will able to determine different options in medication In addition, honing my prescribing abilities will help me improve my professionalism. The application of these steps among other logical techniques will promote my medical practice prowess. I am looking forward to building an excellent profession.









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