We can work on Latino/Hispanic Community Profile

            In the United States, it seems there is confusion all known when it comes to distinguishing between the terms “Latino” and “Hispanic.” According to the Washington Post (2017), based on a poll with voters Latinos registered, people who prefer the term Hispanic are usually the older and the young millennial, and those who prefer the expression Latino tend to be more liberals and other minority groups. The difference between the two terms depends on personal differences and preferences. Hispanics / Latinos are one of the group’s communities in the United States, and they form an essential minority group of the country. This profile examines the history of Hispanics/Latinos in the United States, the difficulties they have faced, changes in status in the US, and the current demographics of Hispanics/Latinos currently in the United States.

History of the Latino/Hispanic Minority in the U.S

            Latinos emigrated from more than 20 different countries, and they speak various languages different from Spanish and have different cultural origins (Brown). Latinos came to the United States for several reasons, including social or political instability, violence, and lack of employment opportunities in their countries (Brown). While Some Latinos arrived recently to the United States, several others were here during many generations. This describes the logic, participants, and procedures for the Study Socio-cultural Auxiliary HCHS / SOL.

            According to the US Census Bureau, there are approximately 5 million, “Hispanic or Latino” in the States (Moitinho). The portion Latino of the population as well exceeded the population African-American as the most significant minority group in the United States. The population Latino grew up of about 22, 4 millions to about 40 million in the past ten years. It is projected those by 2050, one in each four US residents are of origin Latin (Brown).

Current Demographics of the Latino/Hispanic Minority in the U.S

            The population of Hispanic / Latino is very diverse, based on the Census statistics the United States, 60% of Hispanics / Latinos in the United States are descendants of Mexicans, 10% of Puerto Rico, 5% of Central America, 4% of the countries of North America, South, 4% of Cuba, 2% of the Republic Dominican Republic and 15% are classified as “everyone else”(Dettlaff & Rycroft). According to the US Census, little plus of 75% of the population Latino lives in the south and west of the United States approximately 15% of the population Hispanic / Latino lives in the Central- West, and the remaining 9% lives in the Northeast. About 77% of the population of Hispanic / Latino lives in California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Arizona, and New Jersey. The states with the largest community of Hispanic / Latino are California with 11million and Texas, with 7 million (Bureau).

Current Health and Health Care Issues of the Latino/Hispanic Minority in the U.S

            Be Latin Americans / Latinos in the United States it comes with many difficulties, and there is a distribution unequal politically, economically, and socially in the United States. Hispanics / Latinos are often victims of racial discrimination (Washington Post). By example, African-Americans and Hispanics / Latinos they have a higher chance of having its vehicle registered what drivers Caucasians during the transit stops, and African – Americans and Hispanics / Latinos are more prone to be victims of brutality police (Sánchez). Besides, the means they tend to portray minorities as Hispanics / Latinos as criminals violent, defining the expectations for the behavior of Hispanics / Latinos.

Cultural and Psychosocial Factors

The population of Hispanic / Latino grew by 43% between 2000 and 20101 and Hispanics / Latinos represent 30% of the people of the United States to 2050. The terms Hispanics or Latinos they cover more than 20 groups of origin national, with diversity ancestral dead substantial characteristics socio-demographic and cultural, migration, and geographical distribution area of the United States (Sánchez). However, many studies they evaluated the population of Hispanic / Latino as an entity unit or examined groups ethnic individual (for example, Mexicans Americans). Being well the lagoons critical knowledge limited progress in addressing cash from health needs of the population Hispanic / Latino (Washington Post). The objectives were to describe the prevalence of risk factors and protective for diseases cardiovascular disease (CVD), disease pulmonary and others diseases chronic and for measuring mortality by all the causes, fatal and non-fatal DCV and exacerbation of the disease pulmonary over time.

The first study based on the HCHS / SOL cohort reported rates relatively low disease cardiac self-referral and cerebrovascular accident, but high rates of risk factors for ECV that they were comparable or superior to those identified in non- Hispanic whites in others studies nationals. Five prevalence risk factors vary significantly between the groups Hispanics /Latinos. The participants what were born in the United States they were at higher risk immigrants the first generation for ECV and multiple risk factors; longer duration in the United States it was also associated with a higher prevalence of CVD (Sánchez). These discoveries show the need to look plus beyond the groups pan Euro-ethnic for examining patterns and CVD risk factors associates within the population of Hispanic / Latino of the United States. The socio-cultural study Health Study Hispanic / Latino Study (HCHS / SOL) Study Assistant Socio-cultural search examine associations between factors socio-cultural and psychosocial and diseases cardiovascular (CVD) and prevalence of syndrome Metabolic in Hispanics /Latinos. The conceptual framework is based on the model’s Psycho-social reserve capacity and Bio Life; emphasize increased risks and protection paths underlying the influences socioeconomic and ethnic disparities in health.


Works Cited

Brown, A. Mapping the Latino Population, By State, County, and City. [online] Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project. (2017). Available at: http://www.pewhispanic.org/2013/08/29/mapping-the-latino-population-by-state-county-and city/

Dettlaff, A. & Rycraft, J. The impact of migration and acculturation on Latino children     and families: Implications for child welfare practice. Protecting children, 21(2), 6-21.

Bureau, U. Hispanic Origin. [online] Census.gov (2006). (2017). Available at:             https://www.census.gov/topics/population/hispanic-origin.html.

Moitinho, E. 5Challenges Facing the Hispanic/Latino Community in the U.S. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.aacc.net/2015/10/30/5-challenges-facing-the-hispaniclatino-community- in-the-us/

Sánchez, D. R. Hispanic realities impacting America: Implications for evangelism &          missions. Fort Worth, TX: Church Starting Network (2006).

Washington Post. Washington Post-Univision News national survey of Hispanic voters.      (2017). [online] Available at:https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/national/washington-post-univision-news-national-survey-of-hispanic-voters/1970/.

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