We can work on Knowledge Check: Endocrine Disorders

complete a 10- to 20-essay type question Knowledge Check to gauge your understanding of this module’s content.

Possible topics covered in this Knowledge Check include:

Hyper- and hypothyroidism
Adrenal disorders
Parathyroidism (hyper and hypo)
Checks & balances / negative feedback
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone
Diabetes insipidus
Diabetic ketoacidosis

Sample Solution

Abstract: Rheological, chemical and sensory properties of processed cheese fortified with different levels of tomato (1%, 2% and 4% wt/wt) and asparagus (0.5%, 1% and 1.5% wt/wt) powders were analyzed. Both of the powders decreased the pH and lipolysis indexes and increased proteolysis extent of processed cheese. Phenolic and lycopene content and antioxidant activity decreased during storage of 3 month. The frequency sweep test and temperature sweep test showed that all samples had Gʹ > Gʺ, indicating that, solid-type structures were present. Tomato powder decreased the solid like behavior of processed cheeses. However, asparagus powder led to a more elastic structure in the processed cheese. Control sample and processed cheese with low level of tomato powder had highest scores of flavor, color and total acceptance and also processed cheese samples containing asparagus powder were significantly (P < 0.05) more rigid and less spreadable compared with control samples which corresponded to results obtained by dynamic oscillation rheometry. Results showed that low levels of tomato and asparagus powders could be used for fortification of processed cheese. Keywords: processed cheese, tomato, asparagus, frequency sweep, Temperature sweep INTRODUCTION Processed cheeses are stable oil-in-water emulsions made by heating a mixture of cheeses, edible oils/fats and other dairy and nondairy ingredients in the presence of emulsifying salts1. They are being used increasingly because of their cost-effectiveness, attributed to the simplicity in their manufacture and the replacement of selected milk ingredients by cheaper vegetable products. However, processed cheeses are low in functional and bioactive ingredients which should be enhanced by the addition of some valuable ingredients2.>

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