We can work on Kilgore College Treatment and Causes of Anxiety Disorders Discussion Paper – Assignment Help

I need help with a Psychology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

TOPIC Anxiety: Causes including biological and
environmental theories, Symptoms and Therapy


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  • File Rubric for core curriculum essay lifespan-1.docx (15.924 KB)
  • File General Psychology Term Paper Instructions.docx (17.578 KB)

This is your mandatory term research paper assignment. You are asked to use critical thinking when analyzing information in order to improve your “Information Literacy” skills. Students are required to research and write a term paper for 15% of their final grade. The specific requirements are given below.

  • The purpose of the term paper is to provide you, the student, with an opportunity to explore General Psychology in greater depth. The paper is to be a 3-5 paper review of a list of provided topics. If there is a topic that you are interested in and do not see it on the list, remember that it must be related to some aspect of l. If you believe that it is, ask your instructor if they agree that you can move forward.
  • Paper topics must be approved by the instructor. NOTE: All paper proposals must be submitted via e-mail to the instructor. THE TERM PAPER I UPLOADED HERE IS WHAT I SUBMITTED.
    • Paper topic proposals must include the following:

      • Topic
      • Rationale for selection of topic
      • A minimum of 2 possible peer reviewed sources that you will use as part of the required 5 references for your paper

General Psychology Term Paper

Students are required to research and write a term paper for 15% of their final grade. The specific requirements are given below. Please note: YOU MUST COMPLETE THE INFORMATION LITERACY TUTORIAL BEFORE YOU COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT.

  • The purpose of the term paper is to provide you, the student, with an opportunity to explore General Psychology in greater depth. The paper is to be a 3-5 paper review of a list of provided topics.If there is a topic that you are interested in and do not see it on the list, remember that it must be related to some aspect of l. If you believe that it is, ask your instructor if they agree that you can move forward.
  • Paper topics must be approved by the instructor (See additional instructions below).
  • Paper topics must be approved by the instructor. NOTE: All paper proposals must be submitted via e-mail to the instructor. Paper topics that have not been approved will not be accepted. Paper topics proposals must be submitted to ([email protected]) for approval
    • Paper topic proposals must include the following:
      • Topic
      • Rationale for selection of topic
      • A minimum of 2 possible peer reviewed sources that you will use as part of the required 5 references for your paper

At least 4 references for your paper must come from peer reviewed journals (not Psychology Today or Newsweek, for example). Be careful when using information from the internet.Two approved sites are https://www.apa.org/andhttps://www.nih.gov/When in doubt, check with your instructor.NOTE: Do not rely heavily on popular literature, for example, a book you happen to see at Borders Books. Often these books are not empirically based. Also, do not take the bulk of your paper from one source or from secondary sources. I want an integration, analysis, and critique of all your readings the current research in the area you have chosen to study.

  • The paper must be 3-5 pages, this does not include the title or reference page. You will include a thesis statement, provide evidence of critical thinking skills, and relevant supporting evidence.
  • Use Times New Roman or Arial, 12 pt.font
  • Use APA style when creating this paper. This includes when citing a source, using in-text citation and the reference/works cited page. PLEASE NOTE:YOU WILL NOT CREATE AN ABSTRACT FOR THIS PAPER NOR WILL YOU INCLUDE A LITATURE REVIEW!
  • Writing In-Text Citations in APA Style
  • Attach Reference page using APA style
  • Use Safe Assign (on Blackboard) to verify originality.

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