We can work on Journalism assignment

Find an example of an article you think is fake news. Copy the headline and lede, word for word, into this forum. Below the headline and lede, tell us where it was published (what newspaper, website, etc.) and when (must be from June or July this year) and provide the link. In three sentences or more, explain why – using terms and information from Journalism class you think this is fake news. For help with this assignment, please be sure to read the materials posted below: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/dec/18/what-is-fake-news-pizzagate Criteria for grading this assignment will include the insight you demonstrate as to what fake news is, how well you follow directions, and whether your assignment is in good form mechanically (spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.).

Sample Solution

Genuine Beauty Numerous individuals state that magnificence is the eyes of spectators, yet thinking back on history, unmistakably excellence is in the public eye’s eyes. Much the same as design, the picture of “wonderful ladies” relies upon culture and time. Elizabeth Queen Is viewed as interesting in Europe is pale, light and bended, and today in the United States it is yellowish earthy colored, fair and meager and dainty. Ladies attempt to change their bodies and character as indicated by the supposed excellence of society. In this way, I make myself hopeless. Excellence is constantly named appearance. Be that as it may, the genuine magnificence isn’t just the physical qualities of an individual yet the genuine excellence is person. People everything being equal and races will put forth a valiant effort to show their excellence outside to invest energy and cash and intrigue others, yet more often than not to shape the internal magnificence of them Or not in the slightest degree. Genuine excellence magnificence assumes a significant job in the public eye and impacts forming individuals’ conduct. For instance, Hawthorne’s work “The pigmentation” converses with a researcher named Elmer who wedded a lovely young lady named Georgiana. Georgiana’s face on the left has a little birth spot and her introduction to the world point is appealing, I think it is a blessing from a holy messenger given when she was conceived, yet I don’t concur with other fixation. An abnormal lady and male spectator absolutely accepts that the Birthmark will crush her ideal skin tone. Individuals accept that Birthmark is an image of flaw. ” Regardless, in pretty much every general public through history, ladies are required to encounter genuine and frequently difficult physical changes for the sake of excellence and economic wellbeing. Maybe one of the most difficult downturns in Chinese history is the convention of keeping China’s feet. Foot limitation is an old convention that includes changing the state of a lady’s foot to accomplish a littler foot. With unfathomable torment and serious limitations, the servitude of the Chinese foot demonstrate that humanity moves towards magnificence. Likewise with most other beautification procedures, for example, penetrating and inking, Chinese foot restricting has significant social and social impacts. What’s more, utilizing present day innovation, we can likewise observe the physiological impacts of the foot servitude.>

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