We can work on Jamaica voting culture over the last 50 years

Jamaica’s voting culture over the last 50 year
Briefly identify the level of political participation in Jamaica from Independence to present. Look at what kind of political culture was more dominant in the early years of independence and what you see as dominant now. From your findings, say what you thing could be responsible for the change.

Sample Solution

According to Kawulich and Holland (2012), thematic analysis is a popular way when researchers analyse qualitative data. The qualitative data show the researchers ‘themes or patterns’ (Kawulich & Holland, 2012: 231), so I could get what is the main subject in my research and what particular way is happening when East Asian students speak English. In thematic analysis, after I interviewed and made a transcription of the interview, I will read the transcription many times to ‘identify a unit of analysis’ such as ‘a word, a phrase, a sentence, or a couple of sentences’ (Kawulich & Holland, 2012: 231). Then I will ‘identify the topic’ of the unit (Kawulich & Holland, 2012: 231) for example, education, culture, society, personality etc. in the analysis of my research. Next, I will label the unit of analysis with a code by using ‘a coding scheme’ (i.e. ‘the constant comparative method’) (Kawulich & Holland, 2012: 231). ‘The constant comparative method’ like checking a code, comparing codes and repeating coding constantly will help me realize the patterns of what each interviewee said. Hence, this iterative process will be effective when I analyse data as well as when I collect samples. Lastly, I will categorize the codes based on meanings (i.e. ‘label segments’) (Kawulich & Holland, 2012: 232). In this step, I will be able to develop the themes from codes by finding similarities in terms of meanings. Therefore, thematic analysis would be useful for understanding data and classifying them clearly. Besides, using thematic analysis would be reasonable for analysis of this research. The research by Holtman et al. (2011, cited in Kawulich & Holland, 2012) as an example of thematic analysis could be a good reference because it resembles my research in terms of the type of research question and factors they want to find in their research. Discourse analysis (DA) would also be a suitable way for my research because it can analyse people’s behaviour and culture. I will interview to investigate the factors why East Asian students do not have confidence in speaking English and so far I assume that it might be because of education and cultural or social issues. An interview is one of communication between two people; interviewer and interviewee(i.e. discourse). Moreover, DA uses ‘a cultural perspective’ because cultural issues would be a key to understand the situation (Kawulich & Holland, 2012: 241). Thus, the fact that I am an East Asian student as same as samples that I am going to interview would provide a positive effect in the interview. What the interviewees say would be understandable because my culture is similar to them. The Possible implication of the findings for English teaching I would like to adopt my findings towards the field of English education in Japan. For exam>

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