We can work on Issues in Minority Health Culture and COVID-19

The first case of the COVID-19 virus was identified in a physician who travels between various hospitals. After the initial case, 5 nurses and 12 patients

tested positive within a two-week period. A patient in the hospital for pneumonia tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday. The emergency department at the

community hospital is seeing more patients than they can triage and treat. You are on a team of nurses who will work with the public health disaster team to

intervene. See your job duties outlined above bullet points.
During disaster triage, you call in an entire family. They speak only…… (the culture assigned to you) except for their two children ages 8 and 12. The father

works in a factory and the mother works in a restaurant kitchen. The two children, Rosa and Daniel go to school. The father has symptoms of dry cough, 102

temperature, some stomach upset and trouble breathing, saying it is just bronchitis. The mother states she “hurts” all over and feels like her chest is a bit

congested. She has a temperature of 100.2. Rosa and Daniel are coughing a little. Daniel has a slight temperature of 99.6. The mother has been treating the

family with herbal teas. A grandmother from New York has just arrived yesterday to help care for the family but is not present at the hospital ER/ED. The

mother describes her mother as crying a lot and trembling with fear this virus will kill her whole family.

  1. How would you protect yourself? Describe PPE you would use. ______________________________________________
  2. PPE Supplies are low. Administration hands out one of each PPE per shift. How do you professionally respond? What action do you take?
  3. How would you communicate effectively with the family? Describe what you would say? ___________________________________
  4. What is the procedure for testing for COVID-19?____________________________________________
  5. What would be the other concern for the community if they test positive, given what they do daily?

  1. What measures would need to be taken for the community regarding a positive test for any member of the Sanchez family?

  1. To what entity would positive results for COVID-19 be reported? __________________________________________

Sample Solution

ream merriments, customs, happy and dismal occasions in the life of the individuals constantly joined by music, the clear tunes of Armen ian, Georgian and Azerbaijani melodies and moves performed by people minstrels [ashugs] and artists – such were the impressions that turned out to be profoundly engraved on my memory, that my melodic reasoning. They molded my melodic awareness and establish at the frameworks of my imaginative character. 62. At eighteen years of age, Khachaturian moved to Moscow and enlisted at the Gnessin Musical Institute in 1922. His piece educators included Mikhail Gnessin, Reinhold Glière, and later at the Moscow Conservatory, the eminent Nikolay Myaskovsky and Sergey Vasilenko. It was after his graduation from the Moscow Conservatory in 1936 that Khachaturian’s melodic yield incredibly expanded. His most remarkable works, including his First Symphony, his piano, violin, and cello concertos, the artful dance Gayane, and the Masquerade Suite were completely composed during this multi year organize from 1936-1948. Truth be told, his set of three of concertos in the blink of an eye became significant staples of Soviet old style music. In 1939, Khachaturian made a multi month excursion to the Soviet Republic of Armenia. This visit end up being of most extreme significance, as he was welcomed with the chance of seeing his local country, its kin, melodic customs and way of life. “Khachaturyan’s long remain in Armenia presented to him an abundance of distinctive impressions. His fellowship with Armenia’s national culture and melodic practice demonstrated for him, as he put it himself, ‘a subsequent conservatoire’: The melodic impressions which had so impacted the psyche of Khachaturyan the kid and the young introduced themselves in another light to Khachaturyan the develop craftsman”. It was on this outing he gave his spirit to the expressive dance, Happiness, which debuted in Yerevan at the Spendiarov Opera and Ballet theater in September of 1939. “Work on Happiness and investment in the celebration of Armenian workmanship had brought Khachaturyan still nearer to Armenia’s otherworldly life and culture.” The expressive dance was later adjusted to Gayane in the spring of 1941, when Khachaturyan left to the city of Perm close by the migrated Leningrad Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater. Gayane was a moment sensation, and it utilized conventional Armenian and Caucasian society songs and moves, for example, the Georgian move Lezginka. One of the numbers, the Saber Dance, is still performed globally as an independent instrumental work and regularly used in films. 63. This page of the exposition has 610 words. Download the full form above. >

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