We can work on Islamic Thinking and the Internationalization of Human Rights by Mahmood Monshipouri

Islamic Thinking and the Internationalization of Human Rights by Mahmood Monshipouri

A. Read Monshipouri’s Islamic Thinking and the Internationalization of Human Rights, available in Course Materials, Folder on Families of law; I will ask some of the content for the midterm and final.

B. Answer the following questions and post them on BB.

  1. Compare the “Western” and the “Muslim” perspectives, according to the text (.50).
  2. Is Islamic law (Shari’ah) static or evolutionary? Why? (.50).
  3. Are external influences to obtain change in Islamic law effective? Why/why not? (.50).
  4. Name the most influential figure, according to the text, who proposes an internal approach to obtain change in Islamic law. What does he propose? (.25).
  5. In your opinion, what are the advantages/disadvantages of “internal cross-cultural dialogue”? (.50).
  6. According to Monshipouri, what position does the Muslim world adopt vis-à-vis women, religious freedom, democracy and economic rights? (.50).

Sample Solution

ivilian and military, reports of awful medicines distributed to detainees of war (PWO) by the American officers against each standard of Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Convention, America’s refusal to pull back its soldiers even after the fall of Saddam Hussein (its most prominent foe) the inquiry on everybody’s lips is whether the war was in fact for all the selfless reasons cited by America in its fairly manufactured reports or for more reasons nearer to home. The inquiry can even be represented right back to Operation Desert Storm in a similar Iraq in 1993. Did America attack Iraq on the two events for financial addition and at last to put itself as the world’s super power. Despite the fact that it shows up now to the world that the Bush organization is the one in charge of significantly drawing America away from multilateralism, a think once again into the Clinton organization will affirm this isn’t remotely valid. Under the Clinton organization, America neither sat tight for the United Nation’s endorsement/authorisation before conveying the North Atlantic Treaty Operation (NATO) to Serbia in 1999 nor preceding its bomb assault on Iraq in 1998. There were additionally different Conventions, Acts and Treaties America rather prominently avoided marking or confirming, for example, the forbidding of further utilization of Land Mines (the Ottawa Convention of 1997). The distinction maybe would be the place the Clinton organization received discretion in its conveyance of such one-sided choices; the Bush organization essentially continues onward with no respect for the world’s supposition, endorsement or much of the time objection. In the time following the World War (II), America’s quality was not just seen during the war with the sending of its military, which later framed a partnership with the United Kingdom among others (the unified powers) yet additionally after the war in its endeavor to modify Germany just as other war torn nations in the war result. In this, America had strategised and was clearly fruitful in guaranteeing that the world didn’t return to its shut territorial dealings of the 1930s before the war. The establishing of the United Nations on 24 October 1945 additionally made sure that the start of what is currently known as globalization was set up. A post war time of multilateral character and criticalness was hence worked around financial and security understandings, for example, the Bretton Woods Agreement on fiscal just as exchange relations among countries. The American-drove NATO security agreement pursued a lot later. This global request which appeared after the war (World War II) was successfully one which was multilateral in character. An increasingly open arrangement of exchange and speculations started to develop, generally empowered by America. Monetary and security matters just as political relations ended up unclear and unified among countries in what is best depicted as an open world market or globalization. This is obvious in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) just as the Bretton Woods understanding prior referenced. An a>

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