We can work on Investment Crowdfunding – Invest in Business You Believe in

First watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drzt1mVvtdA

Go to any crowdfunding web page (Kickstarter/Indiegogo/Patreon/etc) Look for other entrepreneurs who are seeking funding their their business idea or invention that maybe similar to yours OR one that sparks your interest.
Provide a link to their project.
Develop an assessment of what they have done well in their request for funding. What could they have done better?
Describe if crowdfunding is something that you would consider pursuing.

Sample Solution

effectiveness and clinical benefits(Nawrat). Canada also utilizes a single-payer system for healthcare is therefore in control of the country’s drug prices (Amadeo). Canada established a Patented Medicine Prices Review Board that encourages pharmaceutical companies to suggest a price proposal for their manufactured drugs. This review board then compares the suggested price to various other countries with similar drugs. Approval is made depending on the cost of the drugs in other countries. Despite Canada’s single payer system, the country lacks universal drug coverage but due to their current system, the costs of prescription drugs in Canada remain cheaper than the cost in the United States (Morgan et al). In addition, Spain is another country that continuously aims to lower drug prices by utilizing reference pricing. Reference pricing is a system in which similar of identical drugs are categorized into a class. This allows for the insurer to pay one price for any of the drugs included within the given class. However, a pharmaceutical companies in Spain have the option of increasing drug costs thus requiring individuals to pay the difference between insurer costs and pharmaceutical company demands. Despite this, Spain has found that reference pricing often forces pharmaceutical companies to lower prices in order to maintain consumer business. Reference pricing has greatly assisted with cost-effectiveness by selling normally high-priced drugs at a reduced price (Frakt).>

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