We can work on International political economics


There are six books assigned for this course, available at Virginia Book Company, BookHolders, and the VCU Bookstore. They also should be available through any of the on-line book sellers (amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, etc.). It’s fine to use print or electronic versions – they’re all available as e-books.

In the order that we will read them, the books are:

Jeffrey D. Sachs, The Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology, and Institutions (Columbia University Press, 2020)
Fred P. Hochberg, Trade Is Not a Four-Letter Word (Simon & Schuster, 2020)
Dambisa Moyo, The Edge of Chaos (Basic Books, 2018)
Hans Rosling, Factfulness (Flatiron Books, 2018)
Melinda Gates, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World (Flatiron Books, 2019)
Michael T. Osterholm and Mark Olsher, Deadliest Enemy: Our War against Killer Germs (Little, Brown, 2017, with a recent update on covid-19)
Your papers should be double-spaced, with reasonable fonts and margins (please, no three-inch margins and 14-point fonts to stretch a three-page paper into five). Four of the papers should be the equivalent of five double-spaced pages (about 1250 words); one of the papers covers two books, and therefore should be the equivalent of ten double-spaced pages (about 2500 words).

Your papers should go beyond merely summarizing the books you’ve read. Instead, they should analyze the books. Writing an analytic paper means addressing some of the following points:

  1. What is the main argument or arguments the author is making? Do you agree? Disagree? Why?
  2. Are there any important points about the subject area that you think the author has omitted or under-emphasized? Over-emphasized? Why?
  3. What are the key assumptions the author had to make in order to make the arguments in this book? If those assumptions were different, how would the author’s argument have to be different?
  4. How do the arguments in the book you’re reading compare and contrast with the other readings we’ve done so far?
  5. How does the information presented by the author relate to recent important world events? Does the author’s work seem still to be relevant today? Or is the world changing so quickly that even recently-published books on international issues soon grow out of date?
  6. What recommendations might you have for United States policy makers — the President, the Departments of Defense, State, Commerce, etc., the Congress, or others — to cope with the issues presented in the author’s work?
  7. How might you, as a concerned and informed citizen, take steps to cope with the issues presented in the author’s work?

You may answer any or all of these questions in your paper, or you may write a paper that deals with the assigned book from a completely different perspective. I am quite flexible in that there is no standard format for these papers. I simply want your thoughtful, reasoned, analytic reaction to the ideas presented in each assigned reading.

Please feel free to e-mail me as you read, think, and write, if you have questions or want to discuss your paper with me before or as you write.

If, for any reason, you choose in your paper to cite source material other than the assigned reading, please use any of the standard footnoting/endnoting formats. I don’t care which format you use; just be consistent.

Assignment Schedule

Monday, July 20, 2020

Today you should access and study carefully this syllabus. You should also purchase/rent the books for the course and begin reading the first one assigned.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Please e-mail your first paper to me by midnight the evening of Friday, July 24 (as Friday becomes Saturday). I will have comments and grades on this paper e-mailed to you by the evening of Sunday, July 26. Your contributions to the discussion forum for this assignment should also be posted by this deadline date.

This first paper should cover the book by Sachs. This paper should be a minimum of five (5) pages long.

As you’re reading and writing, consider how Sachs’ broad overview of the history of globalization helps you understand trends you see today. What kinds of evidence does he use to support his points? Is there anything he seems to be leaving out?

If you have trouble, e-mail me, or better yet, post your questions/comments/confusion on the on-line discussion board, so that everyone can contribute their interpretations and answers.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Please e-mail your second paper to me by midnight the evening of Thursday, July 30 (as Thursday becomes Friday). I will have comments and grades on this paper e-mailed to you by the evening of Friday, July 31. Your contributions to the discussion forum for this assignment should also be posted by this deadline date.

This paper should be a minimum of ten (10) pages long (ten pages because it covers two books), and it should analyze both Hochberg’s and Moyo’s books.

As you read and write, think about the authors’ arguments on globalization and the US position in an increasingly interdependent world. How do they contrast with one another, and with Sachs? What kinds of evidence do they use? What kinds of evidence are missing? Are there any flaws in their fundamental assumptions?

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Please e-mail your third paper to me by midnight the evening of Saturday, August 1 (as Saturday becomes Sunday). I will have comments and grades on this paper e-mailed to you by the evening of Monday, August 3. Your contributions to the discussion forum for this assignment should also be posted by this deadline date.

This paper should be a minimum of five (5) pages long. It should cover the book by Rosling.

As you read, think about the way Rosling encourages us to treat data and evidence. Does his perspective put the other readings into a new context for you? What are his assumptions? Is there anything he’s leaving out?

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Please e-mail your fourth paper to me by midnight the evening of Wednesday, August 5 (as Wednesday becomes Thursday). I will have comments and grades on this paper e-mailed to you by the morning of Friday, August 7. Your contributions to the discussion forum for this assignment should also be posted by this deadline date.

This paper should be a minimum of five (5) pages long. It should cover the book by Gates.

As you read and write, think of the following questions: How does Gates define and describe progress? What are her most important fundamental assumptions? What kinds of evidence does she use?

Friday, August 7, 2020

Please e-mail your fifth (and last!) paper to me by midnight the evening of Friday, August 7 (as Friday becomes Saturday). I will have grades and comments, as well as final course grades, e-mailed to you by the evening of Tuesday, August 11. Your contributions to the discussion forum for this assignment should also be posted by this deadline date.

This paper should be five (5) pages long, and it should cover the book by Osterholm and Olsher.

Think about these issues as you read and write: How do the observations and lessons from the other books we’ve read inform your interpretation of Osterholm and Olsher’s information? How does your experience with covid-19 fit into this book’s arguments? How do you think the world’s current experience with a global pandemic is likely to change the landscape of international political economy?

Sample Solution

The Community Neighborhood people group ought to follow government laws and homegrown guidelines. However long they meet the prerequisites of these chances, everybody has equivalent open doors for a mind-blowing duration. Individuals who are qualified and give a valiant effort for the network lead the network. Society depends on unrestrained choice, except if rules are watched and nobody is harmed. Rules and guidelines are intended to secure individuals of the general public so as to construct a protected and agreeable network. There are two fundamental kinds of network networks, networks characterized by topographically characterized networks and geologically various factors. Instances of geologically characterized networks are networks or local locations. The accumulated houses share a typical space. Nearby economies and territorial organizations are likewise viewed as a feature of the neighboring network. Individuals from the network are invested individuals in network wellbeing, and I am keen on this What is a network? Parker characterizes the network as individuals who share a typical space or district, share a typical relationship, connect with one another, and are generally utilized in the writing (Fritz, 1985). The people group comprises of shared commitments and connections connecting people to organizations and relationship organizations. In most topographical networks, there is a typical association and a pretty much free network. Schools, law implementation offices, and social government assistance offices are three instances of formal associations inside the network that are especially significant for substance misuse. Guardians and understudy associations vary in structure, normal to most networks, and can assume a significant part in forestalling drug misuse. Local gatherings and individuals from the association cooperate to make, characterize, and take care of social issues by interfacing with onCommunication of E.coli Outbreak in the Community Extension of the event of E. coli in the network As a human administrations manager in the event of contamination, I will take all fundamental measures to speak with youngsters, guardians and clinical staff in a convenient and compelling manner take. My main concern is to detach illnesses however much as could reasonably be expected and to permit those effectively contaminated to get the treatment they need (Graham-Clay, 2005). On the off chance that ailments, for example, Escherichia coli happen in a neighborhood secondary school, we will quickly educate the clinical staff. Escherichia coli diseases from food cause genuine ailment, which can prompt genuine ailment and now and then demise. Since treatment is restricted, counteraction by overseeing food preparing is imperative to control the event of these illnesses. Notwithstanding, E. coli is profoundly flexible, versatile, can convey and move DNA, makes new strains and is impervious to current preparing and control techniques. Further examination is required here before unlimited oversight is acquired. Intestinal hemorrhagic E. coli is a perceived illness because of the event of a monetarily accessible cheap food burger. Side effects of bacterial contamination by E. coli incorporate extreme the runs, typically blood, stomach agony and regurgitating. Youngsters younger than 4 are bound to build up this sickness. Related nourishments incorporate uncooked hamburger, unsterilized milk, juice. Polluted water can be brought about by fecal defilement of individuals who have microorganisms. Indeed, even disinfectants utilized in certain items will most likely be unable to successfully decimate microbes. In this way, it is suggested that individuals with inabilities in the safe framework and other high-hazard bunches abstain from eating sprouts. Chloride-treated fledglings are still connected with the improvement of E. coli and Salmonella (Taormina and Beuchat 1999). Treatment incorporates steady consideration and checking of renal capacity (CDC, 2001). Much of the time, antibodies are contraindicated. The outcome of kidney disappointment might be passing MRSA contamination was initially restricted to clinics and unique nursing home, particularly individuals who are feeble in the insusceptible framework. Since the 1980s, network type cases and pestilences have additionally been accounted for. The cases got in the network are cases not identified with hospitalization or dialysis, medical procedure or catheterization in the previous year. These contaminations typically happen in other sound individuals and are probably going to be restricted to skin diseases. In any case, over the previous decade, the expanded pathogenicity of MRSA microbes has brought about more genuine, once in a while fatal network diseases. As of late, MRSA has been found in palatable creatures, and a few flare-ups are “food initiated” or foodborne. In one such episode, contaminated individuals created common side effects of foodborne ailments, for example, regurgitating and stomach cramps.e another. Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University Systems for network based sociological practice are examined. With regards to social development of practical hypotheses, the part of sociologists in helping networks comprehend social issues has been broke down. When the network acknowledges young people ‘substance misuse issues, the hypothesis of control and partners’ affiliation can lead sociologists who wish to work with nearby pioneers to battle drug misuse. Network association, reinforce the association among guardians and different gatherings, bring down the network’s capacity to bear drug misuse, construct uphold for peer anticipation Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University>

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