We can work on Intermediate accounting

You are going to choose a publicly traded company (for example Microsoft). Publicly traded companies who
have their shares listed on stock exchanges are required to file regular financial statements and disclosures
with regulators, such as the securities and exchange commission (SEC) in the United States. Among the
most widely read of these are a company’s annual report, which tells investors and analysts how the company
has performed over the previous fiscal year (FY), how its businesses look going forward and summarizing
corporate financials for use in fundamental or ratio analysis through scrutinizing the balance sheet, income
statement, and statement of cash flows.
Here are topics to summarize in each paragraph:

  1. Introduce to the FASB’s Conceptual Framework and FASB’s GAAP Codification, if any in their reports
    including their accounting principles or concepts.
  2. Explain their annual Income Statement. Give a full summary of their earnings and operating expenses. Do
    they have Other Revenue and Gains or Other Expenses or Interest? Do they have discounting Operation or
    Extraordinary Items? Explain. You will find their information at the end of their Income Statement or Footnotes.
    What is their EPS?
  3. Explain their annual Balance Sheet? Give a full summary of Assets, Liabilities, and Stockholder’s Equity.
    How many shares outstanding are stated? Do they have additional information at the bottom of the Balance
  4. Explain their Cash Flow Statement. Give a full summary of their cash flows. Are they using the indirect or
    the direct method to calculate their results?
  5. Conclusion
  6. 2020: Was the company affected the Covid-19? Explain

Sample Solution

Broad communications Do you have your own thoughts in broad communications? For what reason do we dress in our own particular manner, watch what we are seeing, and even live in our direction. Through our amusement it is the most guide on how individuals should carry on with their lives. With the innovation we have on the planet, we are convinced to have faith in what is correct and what’s going on. We have made our own reality, however our thoughts have been forced on us since the day we were conceived. “Imagine a scenario where the world were a sort of execution, what might you do in the event that we framed through the Great Talent Scout above. Goodness, the broad communications tip top Elite Media Elite Franklin Fowler’s mockery grumbled “Silicon Valley is eradicating your character”. By definition, the broad communications has never given you character. It deals with you like every other person, it is the equivalent. This is the plan of action. Since the plan of action kicked the bucket, the recipients of the broad communications endured. What is #technopanic model is a passage from Foer’s new book. On the off chance that the media doesn’t adhere to their customary way, Foer gripes about what the media can do. Media can serve us as an individual from affiliations and esteemed people and networks. Rather, the media sold items called content. Media sold ware media called crowd, sold proofreader’s reflection. Front abhorrences that affront, yet their reflected worth is new. He stated: This article shows the issue of broad communications. Broad communications is totally basic to our lives. In any case, the broad communications assumes a significant function in our general public, yet it causes a few major issues. The broad communications let the residents perceive the error by misshaping the realities. The most significant issue Mass media impacts the outrageous intensity of our general public. Alongside the advancement of society, the broad communications has grown further and turned into the focal authority of our general public. Overstated broad communications content negatively affected individuals, particularly young people. This is an issue since certain individuals will in general have faith in broad communications completely. These are social issues that individuals need to comprehend, as TV, the Internet, ads, today, the most significant broad communications have carried a few issues to one another.>

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