We can work on Intergovernmental Organization

Select an intergovernmental organization (IGO)-You will need to select an IGO to research. You may NOT select any of the IGOs listed below:
The United Nations
The European Union
The book, specifically chapter 6, dives heavily into these two IGOs. This exercise is to expose you to other IGOs partially. Please note any submission of any of the forbidden IGOs for this exercise will be marked zero (0) for the grade.

Research Your IGO-You will need to review and compile background information on your selected IGO. You will need to investigate reputable sources to capture information about your IGO. Your research you at a minimum identify the following:
IGO Pertinent Info (Name, Headquarters, Other Locations, Staff Size, Budget)

Sample Solution

This chapter is composed of nine parts. The background of the study, problem statement, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, research objectives, hypotheses of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitations, and definition of terms. The following will thoroughly explicate the significance of serious leisure qualities and economic index indicators in the Surf Resource Sustainability Index in choosing San Juan, La Union as a surf destination priority choice. Background of the Study During summer, both local and international tourists are thrilled to go under the sun to adore the white sands of the Philippines. The birth of surfing in the country is a great story that everyone should know. Baler is only known for fishing until the late 1970’s when the popular American film, Apocalypse Now, came to the Philippines to shoot. The movie starred Robert Duvali who plays Colonel Kilgroe, orders his men to ride the waves even though the surrounding is having a riot. While shooting the scene, a lot of locals were watching the shoot, they were amazed as the actors ride the big waves off-screen. After that, professional surfers extend their hand to teach surfing to the locals, but they always assure the safety of the locals (Conopio, 2013). For almost 10 years the San Juan Beach is known for being the Surf Capital of the North in the Philippines because its waves are applicable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced surfers (Santos, 2013). The San Juan is bounded on the north by the municipality of Bacnotan along the Baroro River, and on the east by the municipalities of San Gabriel and Bagulin along the Dasay-Duplas-Nagyubuyuban Creek. On the south it is bounded by the City of San Fernando and on the west by the West Philippine Sea (San Juan La Union Government, 2014). The San Juan beach is six hours away from manila and it has a beautiful spot for surfing. It is the 4th longest coastline in the world with length of 36,289 km (Said, 2013). However, it is lacking and losing its major market which are the surfers because of the existing surf spots in the Philippines (Buaron, La Union, 2009). Despite of the beautiful waves and scenery that San Juan, La Union can offer, the place lost its supremacy in terms of surf tourism here in the Philippines. The place has been overshadowed by the other places offering surf-related services. As of today, The Department of Tourism is aiming to reform surf tourism in the Philippines as a major tourism product (Miraflor, 2016). The Department of Tourism has partnered with Australia’s Academy of Surfing Instructors (ASI) and its local chapter, the Academy of Surfing Instructors Philippines (ASIP). ASIP’s is obligated to practice all ASI functions, such as conducting instructor certification courses in the Philippines under strict ASI supervision (Lifestyle, 2016). These plans will also be applied to the different surfing facilities in San Juan, La Union.>

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