We can work on INP 3004 MDC Conducting a Job Analysis with A Simplified Analysis Discussion – Assignment Help

I’m working on a Psychology project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Objective: To understand the basic process and key components of conducting a job analysis by conducting a simplified analysis.

Step 1–– Logistics & Preparation

Each student will interpret the data on his/her own and submit an individual write-up.

  • Review information about job analysis:
    • the textbook
    • hr-guide.com/data/G000.htm (Links to an external site.) or www.job-analysis.net/ (Links to an external site.)
    • Also do some preliminary research using the O*NET database (http://online.onetcenter.org/ (Links to an external site.)) to understand basic elements of the job (or whichever job you can find that is most closely related).

Step 2 –– Identify Job and Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Identify and contact one “subject matter expert,” someone who has held his/her current position for at least 6 months. (The person should not be an immediate family member or employee of Florida International University, unless the instructor grants special permission.)

Schedule a time to interview the SME. Because people often enjoy sharing their perspective and talking about their job, reserve at least 90 minutes for the interview (though it may run much shorter) and 30-minutes for a follow-up call, in case you have additional questions or need clarification. Also, request official materials from your SME if possible, such as his/her job application, job description, or a performance evaluation form.

Step 3 –– Conduct the Interview

Always treat your SME respectfully as he/she/they shares expertise and privileged information. Whenever appropriate, provide assurance that the entire interview is for class purposes only; all comments will be kept confidential, and no specific information will be shared outside of our class.

Develop your own interview questions to obtain information about the elements of a job analysis listed below:

1) Background information about the SME: tenure in the job, how knowledgeable the person is about the job (based on experience, training, etc.). You do NOT need to record the person’s name, to maintain confidentiality. (In your write-up, feel free to use a fake name if necessary.)

2) Basic job description: a short, formal explanation of the job (much like you would find when job searching), based on the interview and materials obtained from SME.

3) Job tasks: list of core tasks that the SME typically performs on the job. These statements should be written in the same form as the tasks on O*NET (i.e., statements of specific behaviors). Through the SME’s responses, you should be able to understand which tasks are critical vs. supplemental to the job.

4) Critical incidents (CIs): situations that distinguish markedly good or bad levels of performance (behaviors) from typical or average levels of performance (also refer to the textbook). They should be written as specific behaviors in response to a specific problem / situation. They are often used to create selection and performance assessments, training materials, and more. In essence, CIs should reveal how an employee handles a situation well or poorly.

You will write two types: especially effective responses to a situation and especially ineffective responses. Ask your SME for 3 specific examples of how a person in that job responded to a specific problem particularly well. Then, ask for 3 examples of situations that were handled particularly poorly. The SME can describe his/her own past experiences OR a coworker in the same job. Use the information collected to construct 6 formal critical incidents.

Examples of appropriate critical incidents are:

1) “when a patient needed immediate care, the nurse made a rush order for a medication to help a patient in need instead of waiting to ask the doctor”

2) “the nurse did not have knowledge about how to perform a task during the physical and called other nurses who were busy instead of referring to the manual”

Often, SMEs will be less comfortable sharing examples of poor responses to a work problem – their mistakes, but you may press them politely. If they continue to resist, continue the interview and just explain the SME’s resistance in your write-up. Also, SMEs tend to provide generic statements (e.g., I’ll sometimes show up late to work). Ask them to provide an actual instance of that behavior/situation, during the interview or the follow-up conversation.

5) KSAOs: For the task statements and critical incidents you created in steps 3 and 4, ask your SME about the knowledge knowledge and skills that a person must have to perform those job tasks. (Use O*NET as a reference for the format.) KSAOs are sometimes listed in job application and job description forms.

6) Work context: Ask your SME about contextual factors that currently affect his/her/their level of performance. Find out which aspects of the situation hinder or enhance the employee’s ability to complete work, such as lack of immediate supervision, dysfunctional equipment, or bureaucratic rules/procedures. (See O*NET for additional examples, but you do not need to write these up in the same way). Then ask your SME about why the organization has not resolved problematic issues, from his/her perspective?

7) Selection: What is your SME’s opinion about the process used to select and hire people for his/her/their job? Do most employees in the SME’s position have adequate KSAOs? If not, what does your SME suspect is the reason? You might also ask about the effectiveness of recruiting efforts, in addition to the selection process itself.

8) Training (formal): Was your SME given an orientation and initial job training? What kinds of training are provided or are available to the SME on a regular basis? (You only need to learn about training resources provided for employees within that job; don’t worry about training provided to people who are promoted to a new job.)

In your write-up, consider whether the training mentioned is intended to influence motivation, knowledge, job skills, or affect (e.g., feelings about stress and pressure from the job, feelings about coworkers / social bonds, and just positive feelings about the organization and job).

9) Training (informal): Are there informal ways for your SME to develop job-relevant KSAOs on the job? Did your SME have a mentor or confidant?

10) Change: What are the two or three biggest changes that your SME would make to enhance his/her job AND the larger organization? Try to obtain ideas that are mutually beneficial and feasible, even if they are focused on making the job more comfortable, rewarding, or fun.


Create a report that organizes the information above. There is NO official format for writing a job analysis in the real world, so I am not expecting a particular structure for this write-up. Your main goal is to present clear and organized information about the job, for parts 1-6 of your interview. For parts 7-10, write your findings as they apply generally to organizational practices rather than just referring to your SME’s individual experience.

Attempt to retain the original meaning of the SME’s comments, but also interpret those comments based on your knowledge (Do not write this in first person, “I think…” Write it in third person “It appears,” “SME said”.). You may recognize an underlying issue that the SME does not understand or does not want to discuss (e.g., to protect a supervisor, to protect one’s ego, the SME speculated on decisions that he/she was not a part of, etc.).

An example of how the paper could be structured is to begin with a brief narrative about your SME’s background and basic qualifications, justifying why this person is an “expert.” For parts 1-6 of your interview, describe the job through narratives and lists of information (similar to O*NET). For parts 7-10, use an essay-style to address those issues. You may choose to separate sections based on the categories above or choose to integrate information that overlaps.


Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBackground Information

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Employee fits assignment criteria (not a family member or FIU employee). Background includes all of the requested information in the assignment (i.e., job tenure).

4.0 pts


Appropriate respondent, answers all of the background information.

3.0 pts


Inapropriate respondent *or* does not answer answer all questions.

2.0 pts

No Marks

Inappropriate respondent (FIU employee or family member) *and* does not answer all questions

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJob Description

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Answers all job description probes thoughtfully.

4.0 pts


Answers all questions correctly, but with minimal effort.

3.0 pts


Missing some information about the job.

2.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Does not answer all assignment probes

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJob Tasks

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Lists core tasks in O*Net format, tasks are thoughtful and thorough, demonstrate a comprehensive interview.

4.0 pts


Lists tasks in O*Net format, but core tasks are not comprehensive

3.0 pts


Assignment is not in O*Net format *or* misses information about the job tasks

2.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Assignment is not in O*Net format *and* misses information about the job tasks

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Incidents

20.0 pts

Full Marks

Every task is covered in a performance measure, and CIs for good and back eprformance are clearly written for each CI.

15.0 pts


Most tasks are covered in the performance measures provided. CIs for good and bad performance are given for each performance measure.

10.0 pts


Several tasks described in section 3 are not covered in the performance measures provided *or* CIs for good and bad performance are NOT given for each performance measure.

5.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Several tasks described in section 3 are not covered in the performance measures provided *and* CIs for good and bad performance are NOT given for each performance measure.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKSAOs

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Lists KSAOs in O*Net format, KSAOs are thoughtful and thorough, demonstrate a comprehensive interview.

4.0 pts


Lists KSAOs in O*Net format, but they are not comprehensive

3.0 pts


Assignment is not in O*Net format *or* misses information about the KSAOs

2.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Assignment is not in O*Net format *and* misses information about the KSAOs

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWork Context

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Assignment describes several aspects of the participants’ work environment, demonstrating a comprehensive and eager interview.

4.0 pts


The assignment gives examples of work context, but is not thorough.

3.0 pts


Assignment has some examples of work context, but does not discuss all probes.

2.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Only describes one aspect of work context or describes several without discussing their current state/barriers to solutions

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelection

10.0 pts

Full Marks

Answers all assignment probes thoroughly (Describes the selection process that the SME endured, their opinion on it, and if employees have sufficient KSAOs)

8.0 pts


Answers all assignment probes, but not thorough (Describes the selection process that the SME endured, their opinion on it, and if employees have sufficient KSAOs)

6.0 pts


Missing some assignment probes thoroughly (Describes the selection process that the SME endured, their opinion on it, and if employees have sufficient KSAOs)

4.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Does not have information on the organization’s selection system, is all based on the opinion of the participant.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTraining

10.0 pts

Full Marks

Answers all assignment probes for training, explains how they tie to the KSAOs needed for the job.

8.0 pts


Answers all assignment probes for training, explains how some of them tie to the KSAOs needed for the job.

6.0 pts


Answers all assignment probes for training, does not explain how they connect to the KSAOs needed for the job.

4.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Does not answer all assignment probes for training and does not explain how they connect to the KSAOs needed for the job.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChange

15.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Structure and Coherence of Ideas

10.0 pts

Full Marks

Assignment is thoughtfully written, clearly organized, and comprehensive. All sections are complete and show understanding of the course material and how these sections (job analysis, selection, training, etc.) are connected and build on each other.

8.0 pts


Ideas are mostly clear and organized well, transitions between sections make sense. Assignment still has all sections completed and shows understanding of the course material and how these sections (job analysis, selection, training, etc.) are connected and build on each other.

6.0 pts


Some ideas are unclear/confusing. The assignment is not organized well. Sections of the assignment are incomplete *or* do not show a connection between the stages of employment.

4.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Ideas are unclear/confusing. The assignment is not organized . Sections of the assignment are incomplete *and* do not show a connection between the stages of employment.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Writing

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Writing is completely comprehensible

4.0 pts


Writing has moments of inclarity, but these are clarified later in the assignment.

3.0 pts


Assignment is mostly clear, but has a few unresolved points.

2.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Assignment has sections that are illegible.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrarmmar/Proofread for Spelling

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Flawless grammar and spelling, no errors

4.0 pts


Very few grammar/spelling errors

3.0 pts


Several errors in grammar and/or spelling but still legible

2.0 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

Assignment has so many errors it is difficult to understand

5.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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