Innovative Technology in Interior Design.
Produce a 3000-word illustrated report that identifies the application, products and materials which have become available for use within the last 5 years but may not yet be used in an interior design context. You will need to do research and look at materials, finishes technology which could potentially be used in interior design. It may be an innovative material used in the medical field, car manufacturing or another industry such as fashion, textiles and so on. It does not mean that it is not already being used on the fringes of interior design such as in architecture or within interior design as long as the product is relatively new. It could also be an existing product but it is now being used for a different purpose in an innovative way. For example moss tiles. It could also be something simple like paint, but perhaps the paint is made from a different ingredients, last longer, helps to filter air and so on. Ideally a minimum of 3 products and a maximum of 5.
USE ONLY THESE 4 already (4 it is enough) chosen materials (products/technologies)
They are:
Describe these 4 new innovative products/ technologies/ applications. To be clear “application” means how the product has been used or applied. This can be in reference to a project, product testing etc. What is their innovation.
Look at new technologies and their potential application to future products used in interior design and you will also evaluate the benefits and success or lack of it in terms of recent developments
Sample Solution