We can work on Information Literacy Research Project: 

As a member, you have been asked to study, review, and recommend 5 Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators (LHI) that address health disparities in 3 of the 5 high priority areas including:Early and Middle Childhood, Healthcare-Associated Infections, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health, Older Adults (age > 64), Primary CarePlease document your research and present it in a 5-page limit research paper. Students must hand in an Annotated Bibliography, no later than one week before the project is due. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper and document them in the reference section at the end of the paper. At least one of these sources must be a scholarly journal article. Cite your sources using the authors name and date in section 4 – Literature cited section of your paper.Include at least 2 graphs or charts from a reference and/or scholarly journal article and please reference these at the site of use and in section 4.Section 1. A description of the health condition and health disparities found — In this section please include.

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