We can work on Independent Research Paper/Presentation on a Specific Electronic Mediated Communication Tool

1) Midterm Project: Independent Research Paper/Presentation on a Specific Electronic Mediated
Communication Tool (Midterm Project – 30% of final grade)
Topic/Purpose: The focus of your presentation will be to provide information about a very specific online
“branded” (as opposed to generic topic) communication tool excluding email and IM. (I HAVE CHOSEN
INSTAGRAM!) Students will choose his/her desired tool and email it to the instructor during Week 1. Each tool
can only be researched by one student. Tool selection will be on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be
alerted if you must pick a different tool. Please note: You will be asked to share your project with your
classmates during a Week 4 Discussion.
Further Logistics of Midterm Project:
Students are to create a presentation that can be in the form of a “PowerPoint” (10-15 slides), an audio podcast
with visuals (3 – 5 mins), a video (3 – 5 mins), or some other format that departs from a traditional written
research paper (must get prior approval of instructor for this option). All presentations must include a minimum
of three outside source citations. These sources can be traditional sources, such as journal articles, websites,
books, but can also include personal interviews, blogs, news articles, etc. A Reference section in APA format
must be included at the end of the project. Please also feel free to include the first-person experience to add depth
to your presentation. Spelling and grammar are factored into student grades.
Answer all of the following questions (as they relate to your tool) in your presentation:
1) What is it and for what is it used?
2) How does one technically use it?
3) How is it used for communication (i.e. in what contexts)
4) What are its positives and negatives
5) Did you choose it for a particular reason (if so, what)
6) Why or why not, would you recommend that it be used. Include what audiences should be pursued or
avoided and why.
7) What recommendations (include a minimum of three) would you make to the developer of the tool and/or to
improve the tool?

Sample Solution

Writing REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The past section clarified the foundation of morals and its worldwide significance in administration with regards to the African mainland and Tanzania especially in Local Government Authorities. Debasement is improper and the result of untrustworthy conduct. The motivation behind this section is to integrate important writing survey concerning moral administration. The part involves the hypothetical and reasonable systems of moral administration. The following part is dialog on morals and authority. 2.2 Ethics and Leadership Authority is a procedure by which a pioneer impacts a gathering of individuals to accomplish a shared objective. Salminen (2006:183) communicated the significance of local officials of being both expert and adherence to high good models. As per Van Wart (2003:214), expressed that compelling initiative is what makes conceivable the arrangement of higher caliber and productive merchandise and enterprises to the natives with a feeling of good course and vision. Moral pioneers need to think about the essential needs of their natives, for example, wellbeing, training and water. A pioneer should be imaginative so as to develop a dynamic authoritative culture and atmosphere for basic great instead of personal circumstances. Dark colored et al. (2005:117) note that the incessant broadcasted moral outrages and disappointments in both open and private divisions “have brought up the significant issues about the job of initiative in forming moral lead” in on associations. In this way, the pioneer’s vision, conduct and activities are essential for positive outcomes, great administration. The accompanying part examines the significance of moral initiative. 2.2.1 The significance of moral initiative Morals is significant in initiative in any hierarchical setting. Menzel (2007:6) noted “morals are qualities and rules that guide good and bad conduct”. Kanungo and Mendonca (1996:3) noted on the significance of morals in administration as pursues “Powerful hierarchical pioneers need morals as fish need water and individuals need air” According to Northouse (2007:346), morals are the centrality of authority whereby pioneers help to set up and impact authoritative qualities. Northouse noticed that, such an impact has an incredible moral weight and duty. Kanungo and Mendonca 1996:6) noticed that when activities and conduct of pioneers neglect to be as per the mutual qualities, there is more damage than physical mischief. Such moral disappointment or bargain can cause moral pessimism, which is contrasted and a malignancy that consumes the general public’s ethical wellbeing. Accordingly, the spot and job of morals in administration can’t be supplanted by competency alone. It drives us to the end that there is no obvious initiative without morals. The following part shows connection among morals and ethical quality. 2.2.2 Ethics and profound quality For Menzel (2007:6), morals are the standards and rules that guide individuals as a system to using sound judgment. Ethical quality likewise manages the good and bad choices or activities of individuals. Great administration is the result of moral authority whereby moral initiative is based on the bases of morals and profound quality. A similitude exists between the two terms: morals and profound quality. Kanungo and Mendonca (1996:33) noticed that morals and profound quality are exchangeable terms as in what is moral additionally is good and what is good likewise is moral. Subsequently, both good and morals ideas are utilized conversely in this examination. The following part talks about on morals in organization and administration. 2.2.3 Ethics in Administration and Governance Open organization is an instrument by which, through proficient and compelling establishments government gives social merchandise and enterprises that advance financial and human improvement. Administration as a procedure or technique in which obligations or the open authorities release works in serving individuals requires moral initiative. Menzel (2007:8-9) saw that it is hard to advance open administrations without moral government. Morals in administration is major to successful and vote based government. He further keeps on expressing that, “moral administration is essential to successful and majority rule. Menzel commented that great government can’t be accomplished with people who need moral or virtues. The idea of good administration in this setting suggests the limit of government to release its obligations and responsible to natives in just way. People in general anticipate from their open authorities at all degrees of government to use open assets for the prosperity of the populace. Great social administrations that cultivate the financial improvement and solid law based foundations are signs that a legislature is rehearsing great administration to its residents as great overseer of the open great. Bowman (2008:62) equitable government and its organization require morals as preconditions on which all plans and open strategies rely upon it. The accentuation is on local officials to know their call and present with responsibility the requirements of their residents. The best quality of morals is progressively required in all of open authorities however is profoundly required in each association. The directors in broad daylight administrations should go about as hirelings responsible to the individuals. Thusly, moral initiative out in the open help stays significant for accomplishing economical financial improvement and great administration. Great government ensures “a responsive legislative and regulatory system” (Doig 1995:151), which helps with making great administration and financial improvement achievable. The following subsection manages morals and initiative in creating nations. 2.3 Ethics and Leadership in Developing Countries The issue of moral initiative and great administration is a worldwide issue. By the by, in creating nations defilement as exploitative practice is far reaching. Consume et al., (2011:xi) as refered to in Hoseah (2014:3) noticed that the robbery of open resources from creating nations that are covered up in outside wards every year is assessed at 20-40 billion USD. Hoseah (2014:2) expressed that the flow debasement estimations still position Africa, particularly South of the Sahara, as horribly degenerate. From this explanation, it is basic to have a concise report on moral initiative and great administration in Local Government Authorities especially in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Nigeria. The point of including the over three referenced nations is to think about on how Local Governments influenced by unscrupulous act of defilement. Be that as it may, Tanzanian nearby governments will be my place of research about moral administration for good administration. The main nation beside this talk is Kenya. 2.3.1 Ethics and authority in Kenyan nearby governments As per Mitullah (2010:1), since the 1999 the Kenya Government has actualized Local Government Reform Program planned for organizing the Local government Administration framework for improved help conveyance. Be that as it may, the discoveries of the Kenya Round 4 Afro Barometer Survey uncovered that, residents stay disappointed with the exhibition of Local Officials because of their poor assistance arrangement and powerlessness to pursue techniques (Mitullah, 2010:1). Besides, residents don’t confide in any more their councilors. Natives are not permitted to partake in chambers’ choices and in making committee’s program are not known to the standard individuals. Most of councilors are lacking qualified in taking care of open assets and not genuineness. The investigation shows that, the Local Government authorities need competency and morals in administration. The parliament of Kenya established the Public Officer Ethics Act of 2003 and the Leadership Integrity Act of 2012 among different laws. Initiative and Integrity Act of 2012 in part six of the Constitution of Kenya needs open officials cling to the standards set out in different authoritative arrangements. Area 13 of the Act explains that, people in general officials are required to show forward trustworthiness of open undertakings subjects to the Public Office Act of 2003. Regardless of the expound institutional structure morals and coordinate are vital in the general population administration of Kenya, still deceptive practices persevere. For example, Kenya Anti – Corruption Commission reports that, defilement saturates in wellbeing part. The discoveries show that the nearby committees don’t pursue law based strategies. From the discoveries, we can reason that the open authorities in the nearby governments in Kenya don’t pursue the standards of moral initiative and great administration since certain properties of morals of pioneers and great administration, for example, straightforwardness, legit, proficient and viability and interest an in basic leadership need (mercury.ethz.ch/…/Files/…/AfrobriefNo89.pdf).The following discourse bases on Zimbabwe. 2.3.2 Ethics and initiative in Zimbabwe Local governments The arrangement of neighborhood governments in Zimbabwe has encountered a ton of changes and difficulties during frontier rule and after autonomy 1980.The decentralization of the nearby government framework in Zimbabwe in the new National Constitution (2013) is certain improvement. The new Zimbabwe Constitution of (2013) has characterized the neighborhood government framework in detail. Be that as it may, poor help conveyance is knowledgeable about nearby governments including eccentric water supplies and streets loaded up with potholes and become a bad dream for drivers. The Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) (2008:1) refered to in Jonga (2014:82) clarified that there has been general disappointment among inhabitants about the degree of administration conveyance. Madzivanyika (2011:33) as refered to in Jonga (2014:84) affirmed that a productive and successful arrangement of administrations is undermined by an elevated level of obstruction from focal government in the choice of neighborhood governments. The discoveries uncovered that a large number of councilors are chosen on the legislative issues, and capabilities do>

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