We can work on Implementing community-oriented policing

identify the issue, provide examples and statistics to demonstrate the extent of the issue, and provide solutions and implementation strategies.

Sample Solution

ote from the speech and lead on to say, “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence…the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake. Foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican government.” The message here is quite clear – policies of the United States should not be based upon, or influenced by, the interests of a foreign power, or, in the modern world, international organizations comprised of a variety of foreign powers. Washington provides some guidance as to what should influence American policy, saying,“The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending commercial relations, to have with them as little political connexion as possible.”In modern America, this would be considered an extraordinarily isolationist policy.” (Mike and Ike). Washington here instills a sense of logic when discussing the different types of guidance he should be giving. Some may say he is starting to be a little bit of hostile because he does not want any type of relationship with other nations, but little do they know that he is doing it for their own well being. The people get to understand that they need to be more open to what he is saying since they just got on their feet to actually be called a nation. If alliances are formed, then mixed attitudes will build for personal gain. While he is claiming some appeals such as logic and ethical appeals, the biggest one is pathos because he is currently giving his farewell. Emotion drives the world to do many things that may seem questionable. Here there is many times that it may seem like it is a dumb thing to do, but in reality if you look at today, he literally is telling what should not be done. In every politician’s speech here is a great sense of pathos that will be given no matter what because they have to appeal to the people they are trying to get through to. That was definitely the case here because Washington had to make sure that he was not saying anything that can be seen as blunt and hurtful. The biggest quotes are coming from mainly the first few sections because he needs a base to create a proper structure when describing his final address as President. There was a great ending that Washington ends off and states, “Relying on its kindness in this as in other things, and actuated by that fervent love towards it which is so natural to a man who views in it the native soil of himself a>

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