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Teams are only effective if they are working towards the organizational mission and that they continue to communicate.  Sometimes organizations can develop organizational silos that limit organizational effectiveness.  During this assignment, you will have a chance to study system theory and how this theory can align work teams

Utilizing our assigned reading, CUW library, and other scholarly materials, you will prepare a 2-3 double spaced page paper (not including, title page, references or appendices) following APA guidelines. This paper should exhibit some critical thinking on the part of the student.  Each paper should be well organized and readable.

Answer the following questions in your paper:
Define and explain system theory
Explain how you can apply this theory to improve team productivity.
Discuss how you can move an organization from organizational silos to an organization that supports system theory.

Writing Requirements (APA Format):
Write 2-3 pages, not including the title page, reference page(s), and appendices.
Include an intro and summary to your paper.
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page with the topic and the name of the student
Reference page (minimum of 4 resources)

Grading and Assessment.
The assignment will be graded on content and per the assignment rubric.

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