Before beginning this Case Assignment, read the materials on the Background page to become familiar with
the concepts involved with human capital.
As you found in the background reading as well as with your own experiences, company management teams
need to look at employees as assets rather than liabilities. They do this in many different ways, such as
through the benefits offered to employees, pay scale adjustments, better medical benefits, professional
development opportunities, monitoring employee engagement, and more.
Managers show their employees that they are considered as important assets by the way the employees are
personally treated, such as managers getting to know their employees on a personal level. Managers’ actions
show employees that they are cared about as people, not just as employees doing a job for 8 hours a day and
then going home. If managers do not treat their employees as valued employees, employee satisfaction will
decrease and negatively impact both the employees and employers.
With that in mind, how does a company know that it needs to adjust its culture to become a sustainable,
compassionate employer in the 21st century? Smart upper echelon management teams look at and track a lot
of different metrics that indicate a company’s level of health, including its level of employee satisfaction.
However, unless someone actually takes the steps required to improve employee satisfaction, metrics will
continue to fall and company culture will be seriously damaged. So, what types of metrics are important in HR
and what are they useful for? To answer this question, please read the following articles regarding HR metrics:
Jessee, T. (n.d.). 48 HR KPIs & metric examples (and how to implement them). ClearPoint Strategy. Retrieved
from https://www.clearpointstrategy.com/human-capital-kpis-scorecard-measures/
Seven habits. (2019). 7 habits that are stalling your employee engagement program and how to fix them. Glint.
Retrieved from https://info.glintinc.com/rs/586-OTD-288/images/GLINT-15-001_WP_P3.pdf
Zheltoukhova, K. (2015). New ways of working: What is the real impact on the HR profession? Strategic HR
Review, 14(5), 163-167. Located in the Trident Online Library.
Case Assignment
After reading the required background material, your first deliverable for this assignment is a PowerPoint
presentation (with voiceover) in which you identify five (5) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The presentation
should contain at least 12 slides, in addition to the cover slide and reference list slide, and a recorded oral
presentation (at least 5 minutes in length) of the material on the slides. (Tip: Practice making a formal
presentation and then add your speech components onto the notes pages. Then when you make your
presentation you will have all the information needed to cover the assignment topics in detail.)
The presentation will discuss the following two questions about each of the five metrics you selected to use
which measure employee satisfaction:
What are the signs in a company that indicate that a KPI affecting employee engagement has risen or fallen
(yes, besides the numbers going up or down)?
What steps does a company take to increase the KPI for employee engagement? (Keep in mind that all
companies strive to increase KPIs at all times, even when a KPI is already at a good level.)
Note that people watching presentations today want to see no more than 5 words and a picture (of real people)
on each slide. All the words that you want to put on the slides belong on the notes pages or perhaps on several
other slides. In this course, there are no points lost for having more slides than requested in the assignment!
This will leave your slides with very short bullet points that do not give out. Rather, it keeps your audience on
the edge of their seat wondering what you are going to say.
The actual speaking part of the presentation discussing the bullet points is how you deliver the important
information. This way you are sure that your listeners are receiving the message you are transmitting rather
than interpreting incorrectly any important data visible on the slides.

Sample Solution

Correspondence Many overseers invest the vast majority of their energy to convey inside and outside the business. Correspondence can be handily characterized as a progression of data starting with one individual then onto the next. In this manner, compelling correspondence is essential to the accomplishment of the business. Since work re-appropriating, data input, and business the executives rely upon an exact, snappy and compelling correspondence process. Great correspondence diminishes clashes and forestalls false impressions by representatives’ requests. We should see. The four most regular sorts of correspondence utilized by supervisors incorporate relational correspondence, nonverbal correspondence, composed correspondence, and verbal correspondence. Relational correspondence can be clarified as correspondence between a little gathering of gatherings, for the most part as a setting of meeting where members can just have insignificant discussion. There are things other than dialects, for example, motions, development, articulation, non-verbal communication, different parts of the presence of the body, other than words. Report correspondence is a message sent to the beneficiary recorded as a hard copy. Oral correspondence implies conveying in verbal or verbal correspondence. Nonverbal correspondence is a procedure of imparting by not sending or accepting word messages. This kind of correspondence incorporates signal, contact, non-verbal communication, motion, outward appearance, and eye to eye connection. Nonverbal correspondence additionally incorporates messages passed on through significant ventures. For instance, garments and hairdo are a sort of nonverbal communication that passes on data about people. When in doubt, nonverbal correspondence can be contemplated dependent on the spot and circumstance of correspondence, the physical qualities of the discourse individual, and the conduct of the exchange individual in the exchange. At first, socialism appeared to be a perfect for Russian residents. The translation of Lenin’s own Marxist evaluate should initially be a communist despot so as to accomplish socialism. Start things out to stifle complaints and fights. Through obligatory measures, the new government snatched power and in 1917 Lenin took power. Subjects that can improve the administration’s vocation include: open talking, news-casting, relational correspondence, media framework presentation, correspondence hypothesis, correspondence research technique, authoritative correspondence, conversation and conversation, way of talking hypothesis and analysis , Political correspondence, influence, media execution, tuning in, correspondence morals, execution research, execution. The connection among computerization and correspondence has gotten the subject of broad examination by correspondence specialists. Numerous media communications offices offer specialization in data science, human data hypothesis and procedures or correspondence advances, which regularly incorporate PCs, packed video, and interchanges by means of telephone calls. Correspondence is wherever in the advancement procedure. Correspondence incorporates broad communications, broadcast communications, data and correspondence innovation (ICT), sorted out relational correspondence, and all the assets that society uses to make data stream. Its motivation is to urge individuals to give data, teach, convince, engage, propel, and advance conduct changes that add to the improvement of the nation. As indicated by Fraser and Restrepo – Estrada (2001), it states as follows. Correspondence is an essential piece of the advancement plan from the start, distinguishing issues and needs, and assuming a significant job in point by point forms. Assessment … Correspondence requires clear objectives, recognizable proof of different subjects, cautious data structure, and observing and criticism. ” Nonverbal correspondence is the transmission and gathering of messages without words. Non verbal correspondence is called verbal and composed correspondence, for example, motion, non-verbal communication, signal, inflection, outward appearance. Nonverbal correspondence is about the speaker’s non-verbal communication. Casual correspondence is finished utilizing channels appeared differently in relation to formal correspondence channels. This is only a discussion. It was set up for the social connections of the individuals from the association and for vis-à-vis conversations. It occurs among loved ones. Utilizing slang words for casual correspondence, swearing words isn’t restricted. Ordinary. Casual correspondence happens orally and is finished utilizing signals.>

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