We can work on HR (Quan Methods U5)

HR (Quan Methods U5)

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Regression analysis involves lurking variables, outliers, scatterplots, linear correlation coefficient, and regression equation. Answer the following 2 questions for your main post:
• What types of data can be used to generate different kinds of graphs?

• How have you used data to showcase an example or solve a problem? Did you get the outcome you expected? Explain.

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Regression analysis involves lurking variables, outliers, scatterplots, linear correlation coefficient, and regression equation. Answer the following 2 questions for your main post:
• What types of data can be used to generate different kinds of graphs?

• How have you used data to showcase an example or solve a problem? Did you get the outcome you expected? Explain.

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