We can work on HR (Quan Methods U3)

HR (Quan Methods U3)

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Answer the following 2 questions in your main post:
• Research involves measurement scales, of which there are four types. In data collection, what sources of data would you use, and how would you establish reliability and validity? Why did you choose those specific data samples?

• What types of data collection strategies and research design have you experienced—whether for work or through educational means?

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Answer the following 2 questions in your main post:
• Research involves measurement scales, of which there are four types. In data collection, what sources of data would you use, and how would you establish reliability and validity? Why did you choose those specific data samples?

• What types of data collection strategies and research design have you experienced—whether for work or through educational means?

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